chapter 1

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This chapter will go very fast. I just want to get some things out of the way first. And no the story will not be in third person all the Time. 

Also please do not copy any of my ideas, I dont like that. One person has stolen my book once and it was horrible reading a book that was exactly like yours. Everything that I write has been coming out from my head so please dont say that I copy anyone because I dont.

This story was based off of a dream that I had. Lolololol okay read on.


"Would you like to go to Hawaii with my family and I?" Nick Belton asks his girlfriend, Violet Waters, while holding on to her soft hands.

Violet opened her eyes and jolted up from her bed. "Hawaii? Are you joking with me?"

Violet has never been to Hawaii before, only because her family could never afford to go. The farthest she has been out of town was Fresno. It was only a couple hours from LA of course. 

"I'm not joking, V. I want you to come with me to Hawaii. Don't worry about the plane tickets, I've got it covered." Nick smiled softly at his Violet. He knew he had to add the last sentence to assure Violet that she didn't need to pay for anything.

"I cant, Nick. I don't want you to pay for me again." Violet sighed, running a hand through her hair.

She's had enough of having Nick buy everything for her. She didn't want to seem like a gold digger, which she wasn't. But Nick's parents like to think she is. And she wants to be on their good side, not their bad one.

Violet didn't have a problem with Nick's mom though. His mom, Lori, was in love with Violet. She loved the fact that she was different from all the other girls that Nick had brought home to them. She knew for a fact that Violet wasn't a gold digger. Lori's husband on the other hand, didn't like Violet. James, Nick's father, only saw Violet as a lowerclassman. And whenever Violet was around he would try his best to make her feel like she doesn't fit in with the family.

"Please, V. I really want you to come with me. If you love me then you will go." Nick started pouting like a puppy.

There Nick was again, pulling the 'If you love me' card. He knew that Violet would have to say yes to going now. They've been dating for almost three years now, he knew everything about her.

"Please don't worry about my dad. We are staying in separate hotels from them, so it will be fine." Nick reassured Violet. Violet looked down at their hands and she sighed. "Hey, I love you remember that. And I will not let my parents get in the way of our strong relationship, or anyone for that matter." Nick moved her chin up so she can face him. "I promise."

"Okay, I'll go with you."


The morning after their talk, Violet and Nick had an early flight to Hawaii with his family. They all had met up at the airport, where Mr. Belton was very unhappy to the fact that Violet was joining their vacation. Mr. Belton had hoped that Nick was finally over her and would be bringing a different girl, a better girl.

Once they had arrived to Hawaii, Nick and Violet parted ways from Mr. and Mrs. Belton. They went off to go to the beach while Mr. Belton stayed at their hotel room with his wife, arguing about Violet.

"I don't like that girl!" James Belton shouted out loud. "She is only using him for his money. And I will prove to Nick that I am right."

"I'm not going to stand here and listen to you talking bad about that wonderful girl, James. We came here to have fun, this is not fun." Lori
Belton, Nick's mom, argued back. With that she grabbed her purse and headed out to the salon downstairs.

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