chapter 6

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"Look Nick, if you are going to make fun of me and be a plain dick then I suggest you stop the car right now." I warned him. But he didn't stop the car, he continued driving.

"Violet I just want to take you out to dinner, that's all. I want to catch up with you." He said truthfully.

I wasn't sure if that was a great idea. I know for a fact he will mention something about our old relationship.

But I was also suppose to visit Nate.

But you want to talk to Nick.


After five minutes of thinking in the car, I broke the silence by giving him an answer. Which was a yes. I would be crazy to say no to free food. Even though I was trying to be on a diet for my wedding day, it didn't hurt to have a little cheat day. Remember, I said trying. I can't resist food, it's too good.

Nick drove to the Olive Garden near Time Square. If I'm being honest with you, I haven't eaten at this restaurant before. I would see it around back in LA but I never bothered to try it.

"Table for two?" The hostess asked. Nick and I nodded at the same time, while she lead us to a two seat table. "Here are your menus. I'll be back to take your order."

"I already know what I'm getting, how about you?" Nick placed his menu down, waiting for me to answer.

"It's my first time here. I don't know what to get yet." I shrugged, opening the menu and reading through it. Suddenly Nick gasped, putting a hand on his chest.

"For a person who is a lover of Italian food, I am shocked to hear that you have not tried Olive Garden."

My heart warmed when he mentioned my love for Italian food.

He remembered....

When the lady came back to take our orders, Nick did all the talking. I wasn't sure what he had gotten me, but he did get the right choice of drink. Which was strawberry lemonade, my favorite type of lemonade of all time.

"How have you been, Violet?" Nick asked, scooting his chair closer to the table so he could listen to me clearly.

"I've been doing great, thanks for asking," I half smiled, "How about you Nick?"

He took a deep breath, fiddling with his fingers. "To be completely honest with you. I was doing bad after you left me, but now I'm doing better."

Did he really have to mention that? I understand it was heartbreaking for me to leave him just like that, trust me, but I wanted to go on this dinner to hopefully find out new things about Nick. To hopefully catch up on the past couple of years that I missed.

"You're not going to let this go are you," I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

Nick looked at me sincerely, giving me an apologetic look. I could tell that he felt bad for bringing this up.

Throughout dinner, we sat there eating in an uncomfortable silence. The only noise were the people sitting around us. Other than that, we just ate like we were sitting infront of a stranger. I was also feeling uncomfortable while I ate, I don't normally care about eating in front of people, but tonight just felt weird and different from any other nights. Whatever Nick had planned tonight for us getting to know each other again, it was not working out like we had both hoped.

Glancing over at Nick, I noticed that he scrunched his nose. I awed at how adorable he looked when he did that. It was always cute whenever he scrunched up his nose. Especially when he wore his glasses, it made him 10x cuter than he already was.

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