chapter 9

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"What? How come you never told me you were interested in fashion?"

"I didn't think it was important. I mean I was broke, I couldn't really afford nice clothing and I thought if I told you that, then you would think it was crazy." I explained to him, running a hand through my hair.

"I probably would have but I still would've supported you no matter what."

I feel my cheeks heating up. Of course he would, Nick was a very supportive boyfriend back then. Yasmin was lucky to have a guy like him in her life, forever.

"Nick why did you choose me? Out of all the girls on my graduation day, you chose me. Why?"


Nick half smiles, removing his arms from my shoulders. "You're very beautiful, Violet. Even if you don't see it. But your gorgeous sad brown eyes drew me in."

Sad? He knew I was sad that day? I mean who wouldn't be sad, I had just graduated high school and had no one to come out and support me. It was heartbreaking to hear no one clapping for me or yelling my name out like all the other families did for their child. I was hoping to find my dad after the ceremony, but no he didn't show up. He didn't show up to his little girl's high school graduation.

"Violet." Nick snapped me out of my thoughts. He grabbed my hands and rested it on his lap. "You had someone there for you that day, you had me. Even if I didn't know you yet, I was still there to see you walk on that stage to get your diploma."

"But still Nick, there were other girls you could've been with."

"Yes, but I chose you."

Staring deep into his chocolate brown eyes, I sighed. I will never understand why someone as good looking as Nick would ever want to be with me, but I was lucky enough to have him when I needed someone the most in my life.

Noticing that Nick's face was closer than before, I turn my face as his lips almost touched mine. I wasn't going to kiss other guys behind my fiancé's back, and Nick shouldn't either.

This whole situation was just wrong.

"I should go."

Putting on my jacket and grabbing my bag, I walk out of Nick's penthouse without another word.

What was wrong with me? I can't be doing this when I'm going to be married in a couple of weeks.


"Then Violet will do her father and daughter dance." The wedding planner explained all the procedures that was going to happen on my big day.

Nate and I decided to hire a wedding planner, it was easier that way since we rarely had time to plan this wedding ourselves. Nate's parents were kind enough to pay for everything from now on, I denied at first because I didn't want them to pay, but his parents insisted and did not take no for an answer.

"I don't have a dad." I said with no emotion. That wasn't going to bring me down.

The wedding planner just nodded and continued to tell us the rest. I'm guessing that she was already used to people saying that. Nate's dad offered to take place in the father and daughter dance, which I happily agreed to. His father was so nice and treated me with respect, he was like the father I wish I had.

"The day is getting closer and closer. I'm so excited." Nate wrapped his arms around my waist. I examine his face carefully, he had dark circles under his eyes and he hasn't shaved.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2018 ⏰

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