Chapter 4

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*The next day*

Loren walked into the school building and was automatically greeted by Keith who was wearing all black and a Tupac T-shirt. "Hey Loren!" he said giving her an enthusiastic side hug. "Hey Keith." she said a little less enthusiastic than he was. She was surprised he was even speaking to her being that yesterday in school, he saw her several times but didn't speak to her besides the time he was asking for a pencil. Before their conversation could continue, the bell rang. "Well, see you later Keith." she said turning to walk away. "Wait, Loren!" he said catching up to her. "Let me take you out tonight." She was confused being that he showed her no interest besides yesterday at the studio and a few seconds ago. "Oh, I'm sorry. I can't. I have other plans." she said turning to leave once again. She almost escaped before he grabbed her hand and turned her around. "Then let me take you out for lunch today." She mentally cursed herself because she couldn't think of any excuse because their school allowed them to go out for lunch. "Uhh.. ok. Sure." she said before quickly turning on her heels and making her way to class, dreading what was to come in a few hours.
Lunch time came around and she tried her best to avoid him, but there he was standing by the entrance to the school. She had no choice but to walk past him. "Hey Loren. You ready?" he asked her. "As I'll ever be." They made their way outside and got into his car and they drove to in n out burger. She ordered a cheeseburger with French fries and a sprite and he ordered the same thing. After much convincing he was finally able to pay for her food. They went to sit down at a booth in the window. He started up the conversation. "Soo.. What were you doing at the studio yesterday?" it amazed her that he really didn't recognize her. She knew she changed but she thought she still looked at least a little bit the same. "Uhh.. I was there yesterday with my dad. And I'm in the movie. I'm playing my mom." "Oh really? Who's your mom?" "Kay DeVoe." she said carelessly, frustrated that he didn't remember her even after their summer fling when they were like 13. He looked like he had seen a ghost. "Loren." he whispered. "Loren! It's been so long. I knew you looked familiar." he said with a smile plastered on his face. "Yeah? Well I indeed knew exactly who you were. The same immature 13 year old who never called me back, despite all of our run ins. Listen I have to go, classes are about to start. I'll see you later Keith." she said getting up,  thanking the lord that the school was only up the block.

As she was walking his car pulled up to her. "Loren, get in the car. I drove you here, let me drive you back." She hesitantly got in the passenger side. They quickly got to the school and he just sat there. He didn't unlock the doors or anything. "Loren, I truly am sorry. I always meant to call you but I just got held up with the next gig. Can we be friends?" "Of course we can be friends I just hope you know I don't have those feelings for you anymore." He sighed. "Yes I sadly know that." she smiled. "Okay then let's get to class. Don't wanna be late. I'll see you later at the studio." She said rushing to get to class. "Until we meet again!" he dramatically yelled standing up in the sunroof of his car. She laughed and went inside and caught up with Sayria. "Hey girl. Where have you been?" Sayria asked Loren. "I got lunch with Keith." Sayria gave Loren a look. "Something going on there?" "Nah. Not anymore." Sayria gave her a "?" face. To answer her expression, Loren explained to her about their past and Sayria understood and said he only wants her looks. She was hoping this feeling she was getting wasn't the one that she knew all too well.

*Later that day*

Loren got out of her car and entered the studio. "Hey uncle B." she said as she greeted Bobby. "Hey Princess you ready to shoot today?" "As I'll ever be." she replied and went to get changed into her attire for this specific scene. She had to say, this casual 80's attire was definitely not her style. Too colorful.

(P.s: I'm gonna be adding extra scenes into this so Loren will be on camera more.)

In this scene, Loren (Kay) and Keith (Ronnie) meet backstage at one of New Edition's concerts. Loren is pretending to be her mother when her mom was her age. Her father always told her how similar her personality is to her moms so that wasn't the part that worried her. She was just nervous to be pretending to be with Keith when she still had lingering feelings for him. But she would never let him know that.

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