Chapter 17

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'Hey Mr Writer,
It's been two weeks now. Are we going to get the next update or not? I'm dying to see Dev being rescued. That is if you're planning to save him. *wink*'

Tanmay didn't waste even a single second to open and read the message. Though, once he did that, he wished he hadn't opened it. For that was one thing to which he didn't have any answers at this moment. But he had to reply. More than the friend which Riya had become, it was that reader in her who deserved an answer.

Why didn't he update?

As he pondered over it, he actually found two different answers to that. For the first couple of days, he didn't think about the story at all. Assignments and project kept him busy and diverted his attention. That was what he kept saying to himself during those two days. But deep down in his heart, he knew that the real reason was something different. He had just updated a day before and so, he wanted to buy some time. It wasn't as if he didn't know what would happen next. The scene was etched at the back of his mind. And yet, he delayed writing it purposefully. The thought behind it was simple - increase the reader's curiosity. Judging by her message today, he knew it worked.

Satisfied by the first answer, he moved over to the next one. It was the answer which invoked another question in his mind, the question which scared him a lot. When he had finally sat down to write the update last week, unfortunately, no words came out. He could see the characters, feel their emotions, watch the whole scene unfold in his mind. And yet, he was unable to put it in words. That thought suddenly scared him a lot.

Why can't I write?

On the other side, Riya waited patiently to read the excuse he'd be giving. The moment she had sent that message, she saw those two ticks turn blue. It may have been past midnight, but her favorite writer was online and there was nothing unusual about it. After all, it wasn't the first night that they'd be chatting that late. And so, it didn't surprise her at all that he saw the message instantly. But what was really odd was the fact that he hadn't replied even after fifteen minutes of reading it.

Her heart and her mind started working in overdrive trying to draw the speculations of his actions. Maybe he's typing an update right now. She knew that won't be the case. He never liked to type that late. There were bound to be errors, a lot of them, typing in that half-asleep state, and he was someone who'd always like to avoid them. It was something else. Maybe he fell asleep? That was very much unlike him too. Whenever they talked at the night, he never failed to wish her goodnight. And then there was the fact that his profile still showed an online sign. It scared her a bit.

'Hey, all okay?'

And once again those two ticks turned blue instantly. Why won't they? He was staring right at the screen for the whole time, at that message she sent earlier. And now this. They had just been friends for a couple of months, yet, their bond had grown strong enough for them to tell just from the messages, or the lack of it in this case if there was something wrong.

'Nothing much.'

He tried to avoid the topic because he knew that if it went on, sooner or later he'd have to tell her how he couldn't write. And he didn't wish for the conversation to go down that line. He wasn't sure how much he could hold back if it did. But then, he was sure she'd know it anyway.

'Stop beating around the bush Tanmay. Now tell me what's wrong.'

This time, he gave up his resistance.

'I don't know Riya, I just can't seem to write. It's as if those words have forgotten my address. Or maybe the other way around. But the fact is, I'm unable to write. And whatever I do, I don't seem to be satisfied with it.'

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