Chapter 19

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'MrAdventure updated The Unsent Letters'

The notification was soon followed by the others of votes and comments. Time never stays the same for anyone, and Tanmay was yet another example of it. Readers thronged him these days and showered him with their praise. Such instant success scared him on occasions, made him wonder what would happen when this dream would be over. But then, a simple, "You deserve it!" from her clears all his doubts.

Yes, that girl, Riya, was the only one who can make him believe in his abilities.

It wasn't as if the others didn't try. Their lovely inspiring comments motivated him a lot. But only she could perform the magic his life yearned.

That was the exact emotion he tried to convey in this Unsent Letter.

A Letter to Miss Magician -

There are some people whom you want to forget the moment you meet them. And then there are the ones who etch their place in one of the chambers of your heart.

You, dear magician, you are one of the later ones.

It has been years since I've seen you. I was just a baby back then. A baby who was ready to admire the wonders of this world. A baby who was ready to explore each and every crevice of this world. And you, dear magician, you were among the first few people who made that baby's eyes go wide.

That day, you reserved a special place in that baby heart of mine.

I still remember that first glimpse I had of you. In that dark auditorium when we were all waiting for the first rays of light to hit the stage, there you were with a candle in your hand, standing right in the middle of the stage. When both your hands were wrapped tight around the candle, it lit up on its own casting a gloomy glow on your long and powerful face. It was hidden under the hood of yours, but sitting in the first row, I could see some spots of skin beneath the cloak of black. And the moment you jerked your head up to look at us, a gust of energy flew over all of us. You hadn't even started your tricks yet, but then, just your presence was enough to drown that dull auditorium in a wave of excitement.

Such was your charisma, dear magician.

That baby heart of mine admired in awe as you left the candle suspended in the air while you stepped back, your arms spread out wide. A gust of wind came from nowhere to blow the hood of your face and at the exact same moment, all the light over the stage were turned on. I'm sure those bright lights must have been really proud to reveal a beauty such as you.

Standing tall on the stage, your long slender fingers moved continuously as if summoning all the magic inside you. Your composed face radiated a cheerful aura while your eyes gleamed with a confidence none had ever seen. And then there were those fiery red curls of yours which set the stage on fire. You tried to portray a perfect devil with your head held high, but that smile on face gave away who you really were.

Yes, you were an angel dear magician. An angel who stole that baby heart of mine.

I don't remember what tricks you showed later on or why the audience clapped so loud for you. But I do remember how you allowed the darkness to engulf you towards the end. Just like the way you had arrived, you vanished in that smoke.

You got lost in that darkness and I got lost in your magic.

As I grew up, they kept on saying that when you're really into something, you tend to get lost in it. And now, even I've started to feel that phrase wash over me. Whenever the train of my memories stops on that show of yours, the only thing I remember is how lost I was in you.

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