The Gift

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9th July 2019
The Beaumont, London

Sitting in my hotel room I got ready to go out for some shopping with the boys. The champion's trophy had ended recently, we lost the finals.

It was so difficult to digest the fact, we lost. But what to say, we did not lose but New Zealand won. They deserved it in the end, it just wasn't our day. However, it wasn't time to sulk over but to move on and improve from our mistakes. We made it to the finals it was an achievement itself. I sighed deeply while tying the laces of my snickers. My phone buzzed suddenly and it was jeet.

"What's up dude. " I greeted him.

"Hello, virat what's up. You ready?" He asked from the other side, I held my phone with my hand which was before hanging between my cheek and shoulders.

"Yeah, I am. Just about to leave. Is sukhada also coming?" I asked him as I was going out to shop for asmi's birthday and I needed help. Honestly I am the worse when it comes to gifts. I don't want to disappoint asmi with some stupid present.

"Of course, we both will be there in a few minutes." I nodded to myself and soon disconnected the call. Hanging my sunnies in the neck of my T-shirt and putting on my cap on I got out of the suite. The car was already waiting for me outside the hotel, Jasper was also with me. He greeted, afterwards I told him the address and soon the car maneuvered through the traffic.

It's been almost one and a half month I haven't seen asmi. I miss her so bad. Whenever it was a off day for me and for her as well, she called or I facetimed her. We were in touch all the time. But she never disturbed me on a match day, she just used to send me a good luck message. That amused me, she was something else. Her thoughts plastered a silly smile on my face and I drowned into her thoughts, soon the car came to a halt.

"We're here." Jasper's voice came though firmly bringing me out of my daydream.

"Thanks Jasper, I'll call you later to pick me up. It will be late." He gave me a brief nod and soon I was outside the shopping center, Hatton Garden.

Jeet called me and told me it will need them another half an hour to reach, because of the heavy traffic. I agreed and decided to roam around the mall. London was one of the places where I could walk everywhere freely without the concern of my identity. The mall was filled with jewellery shops, no wonder why sukhada suggested this. Recently she came back from India as her parents asked her to since they got to know about her pregnancy.

She must have met my love, lucky her.

I huffed and my eyes fell on a pendent which was kept on the display. It was a gold butterfly pendant. So beautiful, just like asmi.


"Virat?" I feminine voice called me out from my back, I looked over my shoulder and my eyes widen. She was in the city. I knew this might happen one day, but never knew that one day would be today.

I nodded curtly while greeting her, "Veronica."

"Oh my god, how are you?" She squealed loudly earning attention of people around us. This was one of our mismatches, she always gathered attention and I craved for solace. I mentally banged my head and wanted her to just shut up. Internally prayed that there shouldn't be any paparazzi around.

"I am fine, what's up with you?" I asked out of formality. Then she told me she was here for an ad shoot which we used to act in together.

"Want to get a coffee?" She asked, I rejected casually telling her my friends might be here anytime.

Future Ex-Fiancée ||Virat Kohli AU Fanfiction||Where stories live. Discover now