The Allure

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"Mr. Virat Kohli please sign here." I was snapped out of my reverie just to be handed a pen by my brother. I took it just to feel asmi's eyes on me for a moment.

Believe me, I wasn't having any second thoughts I was just confused a little but all that confusion vanished when I saw asmi tense up looking at nothing while her fingers played with her mangalsutra subconsciously.


"No turning back now. Virat." Came in Ro's voice and it was true. I was married to my love and this was me marking it. I signed without hesitation and quickly handed the pen to asmi.

Just then, I saw a small smile dance on her face as if she knew this small spat of ours wasn't going to change anything, she held the pen and signed her fate with me.

We didn't talk much later but Abhishek made sure he clicked a lot pictures of being close, like quite intimate. He even made me kiss asmi on her lips near the bon fire so that he could get the perfect shot. I did feel her resistance but I wasn’t sure if that was her being shy or something was wrong.

"These are for the private collection. Keep those with you." He told after sending me the originals.

I was having coffee along with my brother at the porch when asmi’s mom came in, “beta, asmi was packing her stuff. At what time you both are leaving?” She asked with a worry on her face. I faintly smiled and checked my watch,

“In an hour, maybe. Are you and dad not coming with us?” She shook her head saying there are a lot of work was pending to wrap up; I couldn’t help but notice her eyes being welled up.

I knew the reason, asmi was getting away from her family and that was quite heartbreaking for them. I made mom sit beside me, “mom let’s all go back together; the wedding planners will handle everything.” She again politely rejected the offer but I pressed, “asmi with appreciate if you guys leave with us otherwise; she just might get upset.” She is already mad at me anyway, I internally groaned at the thought.

“Okay beta, we will all leave together.” I felt her hand on my head as she lightly patted. “I always knew that you are right for asmi. I would have never found such an understanding son in law.” She ruffled my hair and soon went away as I was still smiling like a madboy.

Bhai gave me a mocking proud look, I smirked at him and got up to meet my wife.

“You are done with packing.” I murmured, astound when I saw all the bags were ready to go. Asmi turned and blinked as I closed the door behind me, “yeah but I don’t know what to do with that.”

I went near where she was pointing and when I saw my eyes widen.


No scratch that, fucking condoms.

Damn it there was a string of almost thirty of them on the bed.

What the, “where did you find those?” I spoke my mind.

She gave me a look, “they were overflowing off of your laptop bag.”

Bloody hell, Ro must have played this one on me. This was utterly embarrassing but when I thought of my wife, it was so damn sexy when she seem unfazed about it.

I decided to tease, sticking hands in my pocket I walked in her direction, “I haven’t kept them inside, but those might just come in handy if you know what I mean, wifey.”

Asmi’s posture stiffened as I stood behind her; I let my mouth glide near her cheek slowly towards her ear.

I heard her taking a sharp breath, “also I forgot to tell you something very important since the wedding.”

Future Ex-Fiancée ||Virat Kohli AU Fanfiction||Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora