The Struggle

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When souls find comfort in one another, separation is not possible.
- N.R. Hart


God damn it!

I did not need time. I never did.

I love asmi. How could I forget that?

She was, is and always will be mine. No matter what.

And I made her cry, again. Shit!

I banged my fists on the wall, I wanted to scream and cry out my frustration.

My legs seem to have mind of it's own and I ran out towards her room. I stopped suddenly when asmi's grandmother came to my view who just arrived this evening. She was walking towards me with a kind smile on her face.

"My Grandson in law." She reached for my face and patted side of my head. I composed myself with great difficultly. Taking a small step back I touched her feet for blessings.

"Did you had dinner beta?"

I shook my head, "No Dadi I haven't. Yet." She nodded.

"Then go and have some. Almost everyone is done with their. Only you and your friends are remaining."

"Ha, Dadi." I told and helped her with ushering towards her room which was on ground floor.

"Sorry for asking Dadi but aap yaha upar kya kar rage ho? (What were you doing up here?) Doctor asked you not to exhaust yourself, right?" She smiled lovingly at my words.

"Arrey beta I was looking for my little orange." A small smile started to carve on my lips at the nick name she gave to asmi. "But I think she in the washroom or something. She didn't open the door when I knocked on it."

I gulped hard at those words. Asmi must be heartbroken. She might not even talk to me now. I am such a dick anyway. I still nodded to grandma when she entered her room closing it behind her.

I had made up my mind, whatever it is even if Abhishek proposed her or not, Asmi is mine. I won't let her go, we had came a really long way. Now I am not backing out, I won't let her either.

Immediately I sprinted my steps towards her room, taking a deep breath I knocked on the door but as suspected she did not open. A few guests gave me weird yet funny looks, I just politely smiled at them and waited till they are out of my sight.

"Asmi, please open the door." I pressed side of my head to the door while calling out for her. She still did not open up.

Just then someone tapped on my shoulder, "Oi! Hotshot what are you doing here?"

I was never more happier looking at asmi's over enthusiastic friend. I looked around first, once everything was clear I spoke, "thank god you are here, listen I need you to enter asmi's room and check if she is okay."

Her brows crunched together, she looked confused. I huffed, "we had an argument." That made her glare at me and she pushed me away. She harshly knocked on the door, actually scratch that she literally banged her first on it.

Future Ex-Fiancée ||Virat Kohli AU Fanfiction||Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant