The killer Maid

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She was thick, but thin
Her eyes shone for him
She had hair, it was fair
He was there she swears
She dusted and cleaned
He watched her sleep
She cooked for the looks
Oh his sweet looks

The wind it howled
But there was no sound
The patio creaked
The whistle was sweet
The door it opened
But no hope was spoken
The knife sliced and cut
But there was no blood
The body was found
The killer had bound
The evidence clear
Yet no one was here

I was innocent
I did nothing of sort
I went back home
I read my book
I did not enter
I did not clean
My fingerprints are not to be seen

You are yet a suspect
You are the Maid
Your love for him did not die in vain
He loved you back
Yet can't you see
It was a murder yet the crime was clean

No footsteps
No prints
No evidence left
No witnesses
No knife
And only you in sight

You found the body
You had the knife
Maid you must have lied

There is no butler as it seems
Therefore it be you that's guilty

She was innocent yet guilty
Her love wasn't enough
The mirror shattered when her face looked up
She did it once
She'll do it again
My oh my she was a loving friend

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