Drowning in a sea of Tears

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I take a last gasp of air but am no longer breathing. The substance of life can no longer keep me living. From dust is where I am heading and from dust was I born. I cry a thousand agonies. Creating a river of tears. Drowning, drowning is all I seem to be. On a continuous loop of trauma my body is frozen in action of taking in breath. It is tortured in a second beyond the parameters of space. My life awaits my death. Faux hope taunts me with a solution to my never ending nightmare, I try not to take in its deceitful words. My ears remain deaf to its false whispers. There is no help, it spoke to me and like a lost child  I listened. Therefore , I am drowning in  my woeful tears,praying for the day that I can  swim. My freedom is put into question but my resolve stays strong. I just plead and  pray that my faith was not placed wrong!

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