Run from the City to the Country:

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So tired of noisy and bustling streets
Exhausted of washing dirty sheets
Sick of being a maid, sick of the city
Wanna change to somthin' that isn't shitty.

So I gave in me notice and ran to a car
Free I was gonna be and it was far
I fled to fields with corn of pale gold
Where men roped cattle, brave and bold.

I bought me a hat and a horse to boot
Got me a gun to learn how to shoot
Safe houses it was, so it was moot
No gangstas were lookin' for loot.

I became wild and free, like Country
A cowgirl, now that was me
So it turns out I went to a rodeo
Saw a man in a hat put on a show.

I watched im' from afar, bold he was
My heart was beatin' and gave a buzz
Vowed the cowboy would be mine
Long before mornin' sun could shine.

The future was told on that hot day
Destiny told the future, so had to pay
That was why I married my Shay
Right down in cattle ranch bay.

So I ran from the borin' city to country
Now I'm loved and happy as can be
It doesn't take a shooters eye to see
City gal wasn't who I was. A cowgirl with a hat and gun with dirt in her blood. Now that was me!

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