Dammed to Hell:

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Time frozen in a moment,

Forever stopped in torment,

May I be imortal for my scream to lament,

Piercing through the silence,

A dagger to ear.

A calling card that says " Satan is near!"

Open your mouth and sing your anguish,
An endless melody of pain,
Representing murder and sin,
Like Abel and his brother Caine,
Torture . torture. torture
No escape, no reprieve from this awful mess you're in!

No soul is pure or white,

It's stained and bloody,

Evils is everywhere tonight ,

It's calling so be ready to come,

Friends and family no longer matter,

Blow out brains and watch them scatter,

Your humanity will all but shatter!

Your now his puppet....

Welcome to the bowls of hell...

Your one of the dammed!!!!!!

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