The Call

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Cages may contain me
However, I swear I shall be free
I hear its tempting call
Telling me to abandon you all
And I will listen to the call...

So sick of being shut in
Tired of all the beatings
I will escape this mess I'm in
Ignore all the bruising teachings
And obey the call...

I crave sunshine and fresh air
Tired of this dark dank lair
I crave  my freedom
It will inevitably come
That's why I listen to the Call...

It whispers in the day
It screams in the night
I hear it as there I lay
Yet not a soul is in sight
The call is summoning me...

Hear its sweet melody
To listen is my destiny
I break​ the chains holding me
I go forth to what I can't see
I listen to the call...

Poems Of Damnation And Salvation!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang