Song Of The Grave

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They call from the Divide
Souls that committed sucide
Want me to cross to the other side
Lost and alone, shreeking for help
Banging their chains, giving a yelp

My spirit rushes to offer assistance
But I can't travel the tortured distance
It's only so long till they come for me
Invisible ugly ghouls no one can see

They are a bloody threat to the living
But no one can fight the long dead
No one knows my agonising pain
Say it's a hallucination in my head

Insane. Is my destined chore.
Can not do this horrible sin anymore.
The past traumas of grief haunt me.
Grimm Reaper will be here,it decreed.

Blood runs down dusty roads .
Corpses pave the lonley street
Everywhere evil murders, you meet.
Devil's and demons in disguise.

Looking like a ghost,your bony form
Pale thin skin is more your norm
One of the dead you'll become to be
Then a nightmare is what people see

Listen to get song of the grave.
Kill all those who dare to act brave.
Your soul is to late to save.
For the devil, you'll become a knave

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