Questions of Time

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Tony was still in his room of course that didn't surprise anyone. But it upset Paige to know the clock won't leave his room. She needed to get in but how then of course like lighting it struck her. She strode into the living room. Seeing Colon not in his spot on the couch but Harry in his arm chair reading. He paid her no mind obviously what she was doing was on her own intentions and if he questioned might as well touch Colon again. She smiled and eyed one of the wall clocks. It had a white face, black hands, and roman numbers. It was an plain and yet special at least to Tony which made it the perfect contestant for her game.

It was purposely made hard to reach because Tony is so bloody paranoid about her breaking them. Well she guessed it made sense now. She tried reaching for it even on her toes but of course it was still out of reach. She couldn't knock it down in fear she might break it beyond repair and a very agonizing slow death would await her. Of there was nothing to stand on either. She let out a sigh about to give up when another bright idea struck her. She approached Harry with a evil yet warm smile.

"Haaaaaarrrrrrrryyy?~" She spoke with a playful tone.

Harry was the only one in the house taller then Tony and only by a few inches.

"Can you be a dear and get that for me?" She pointed to the wall clock.

Harry got up and reach the clock handing it to her.

"Not question why you want this but promise you wont bother me for the rest of the week." He spoke in his monotone voice.

"Done!" She smiled more taking the clock and running to her room.

Something that always made Paige smile was the face that it took Tony nearly and hour if not 30 minutes to sync his clocks. While it only took Paige about five minutes to out of sync them. She giggled holding the gear filled contraption.


Paige smile when she was done entering the living room once more upon seeing Harry still there reading. She smiled true to her word and left him be. She then walked up to the wall and tossed the clock and like magic it landed perfectly on the nail. She looked up at her work best part is she didn't make it even it was 43 minutes behind. She smiled and skipped to Tony's room.

"Tooooooooonnnnnnyyyy?~" She called her page of questions in hand.

"What is it?" He called back in a annoyed voice it had been so quite a couple seconds ago.

"The clock in the living room is out of sync." She called back. She took a few steps back knowing what was next the door slammed open without Tony locking it as Tony bolted to the living room. Paige smiled as she strode into Tony's room without any fuss. It should keep him bust for a while. She took the chair from Tony's desk and placed it in the corner and sat there inspecting the dark candle lit room. She noticed he blocked the window at first she wondered why until she saw the stars. She didn't think Tony would ever be creative enough to make something so beautiful. Then of course there were those damned clocks. The ticking was deafening and it never stopped. Tony's room was strange just like him it fit him perfectly. Just like her room fit her it made her wonder as she starred at the many wall clocks. Each seemed from a different time era he even had a sun dial next to the window useless now. It made her wonder how old Tony actually was. She was a new teacher and hadn't really lived that long but Tony, she new had to be the oldest and yet eternally young. She often wonder if that was a gift or a curse maybe she'd out today.

Tony growled of course that blasted paper mache version of a woman and messed up his clock. But all was fine he managed to fix the clock fine. But that didn't mean Paige was off the hook. He sighed and headed for his room but before he opened the door he stopped. There was obviously another reason for Paige to get him out of his room then just distracting him from his work. He drew out his sword in a stance ready to attack as he slowly twisted his door nob. He opened his door and watched carefully. Instantly he knew where she was her bright vibrant colors gave her out. While she wasn't looking he jumped and tackled her. Pinning and holding his sword to her throat.

"There's a time and a place for mucking around. So tell me why your in my room before I decapitate you!" Tony growled loudly. This was his room no one was aloud in here except him and his clocks. anyone else and his rules would be broken and so his routine. What was time without it's circle it's routine. It upset him greatly to know that some how Paige had tricked him into leaving his door unlocked.

"Wow there friend you must have to slow down. I'm only here with questions for you. You wouldn't leave your room so I simply snuck in. I didn't break anything I swear." She said with an innocent smile holding the paper out and showing was unarmed.

Tony raised a brow why would she have questions for him? it made him curious but he wouldn't dare let his guard down.

"Why should I answer?!" Tony asked still keeping the blade firmly on Paige's neck.

''Because I'm curious and if you answer I'll won't bother you for 5 days." She smiled.

"Make 10 and you'll have a deal."

Her smile went away much to Tony's satisfaction. She rolled her eyes.

"Fine!" She responded.

"Alright then." He got off her and sat on his bed as she sat on his chair. He kept his guard up with his sword still out but he looked calm.

"Ask away."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2017 ⏰

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