Chapter 28: Don't Call Me Danielle

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Chapter 28

Music Choice: Minerals - Congrock & Nom de Strip

Drew and Jonathan had arrived in the woods in New York, about 50 feet from Dani and Asher, when they heard running footsteps. Julian was running fast, and was followed by a rapidly moving storm wind. Suddenly, a huge gust of wind about 20 feet tall ran into them, knocking all three of them backwards, as Julian scrambled to run. Drew and Jonathan quickly picked themselves up off the ground.

“What the hell? Where did that come from?” Jo asked, brushing the dirt off his clothes.

“I have no idea, but I bet Dani discovered something new about herself.” Drew smiled. He knew she was an Elementorum since her step foot in his House. Drew was notified beforehand to help her control her emotions, for that would guide her abilities, and prepare her for what she had to do.

Julian was running, in fear.  He ran past them, and Jonathan and Drew locked their eyes on Julian as they bolted after him. Julian turns his head slightly, to see Jonathan and Drew following close behind. Julian reaches into his pocket, and pulls out a set of 6 throwing knives.

“JO! WATCH OUT! HE’S ARMED!” Drew yelled, as Julian’s first knife narrowly missed his left shoulder. This only encourages Jonathan, running even faster, as two more knives narrowly miss Drew and Jonathan.

“I’ve got him!” Jonathan shouts, his arm stretching to reach Julian. Julian then throws his fourth knife, aimed at Drew, which hits him in his left arm, his injured arm. Drew falls to the ground, his right hand on his left arm, as he pulls out the knife.

“Damn it.” Drew muttered. Jonathan continued to pursue Julian, as Drew sat up, trying to heal his wound by himself. Nothing worked. Drew suddenly heard a pair of rushing footsteps towards him. It was Dani and Asher, panting and breathing heavily from running. “What the hell? Where have you been?”

“We were tied up, Drew. You’re not going to believe this…” Ash began.

“Never mind that! Drew, your arm!” Dani’s eyes widening at the bloody knife, remembering her own blood being on a knife. She knelt down, and began to take a closer look. “It’s infected, Drew.”

“Great.” Drew mumbled sarcastically.

“Huh. If the knife doesn’t kill you Drew, Vi will.” Ash chuckled. Drew’s eyes began to wide, the horrible realization finally striking him. Vi’s gonna kill me. I promised her I wouldn’t get hurt, and here I am, bleeding out.  Vi is going to kill me. I’m so dead.

“Yeah, I know Vi will. But Go after Julian! Jo is running after him, he’s trying, but Julian could outrun him. Go!” Drew commanded. Ash sat next to him, trying to keep Drew conscious long enough, while Dani began to track down Jo and Julian.

Dani was bolting through the forest, at breakneck speed, as she finally caught a glimpse of Jo’s diamond stud earring. Dani sped up; finally catching up to him, to see that a steep plateau blocked Julian. He was trapped. Julian spun around, only to fall to his knees.

“Please… please, Danielle… If I had known… I would never…” Julian was begging to her, pleading to her, to let him go. Dani looked down at him.

“You said it yourself Julian. You wanted the attention of the ArchAngels. You got it.” Dani said, her eyes darkening. She then whispered, “I send to thee, the criminal you seek, do what you will.” Dani had grabbed Julian by the collar of his shirt, and thrusted him into the air, sending him before the Thrones. Dani then shouted at the top of her lungs, "Oh, and by the way, don't call me Danielle."

Asher and Dani had teleported to the Thrones, determined that Julian’s sentence would be carried out. Jonathan had taken Drew back to the Ivory House, and hoped he would be stitched up in no time.

Asher and Dani had entered the Hall of the Thrones, and saw them sitting across from themselves. There were three seated high above the Angels. Their eyes judging, but now contained a tint of crimson.

“Danielle Blake.” A tall male announced, Dani flinching at the sound of her full name. “You have captured Julian DuBois, and for what charge?”

“What charge? He was murdering innocent Angelic couples!” Dani shouted incredulously. The man then lifted his hand, as if he had heard enough. Dani immediately bit her tongue.

“All right. We shall deliberate.” He turned, and the two other Thrones disappeared into a back room. Julian was standing behind the bench, unable to leave. His powers had been taken away once he had entered the Hall. In minutes, the eight Angels have returned.

“We have found Julian DuBois… Guilty for the murder of four innocent Angels.” A loud female voice boomed. “For this we have determined that Julian shall be stripped of all his powers indefinitely and shall take the fall to Hell.” Heavy sentence.

Julian hung his head, and accepted his fate. The Thrones nodded towards Dani and Asher and allowed them to leave. As soon as the two left the Hall, the couple quickly teleported back to the Ivory House.

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