Chapter 1

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"So this is what you've been doing for the past 8 months"

"Its not what it looks like May it's for a school project"

"Oh really because it looks like your Spiderman "

"Ok so it is what it looks like"

"Were you ever going to tell me!"

"No because I didn't want you freaking out like right now"

"Peter your 15 you shouldn't be doing this your risking your life!"


"Well than you can only go out for an hour on weekdays and come back before 12 on weekends if your going to keep doing this I don't want you making this your life then I have to lose you to"

"That's not how this job works May  if I need to stay out late and I hear sirens or a building on fire I'm going!!"

"No you're not you're too young!"

"May I'm not too young I got my suit back because I was able to do it"

"Is this what you meant by the Stark internship and went to Germany"

"Um...yes but he always gives me upgrades to make me safer"

"You're not allowed  to see Tony any more"

"May you can't do that!"

"Then I can't have you be here Peter"

"Your not allowed to see Tony anymore"

"No i'm not going to leave Tony he helps me"

"Then make a choice you stay here and do what I say or you could leave and stay with Tony its an easy choice"

"you can't be serious Aunt May"

"Well I guess  it isn't, so I don't want you here anymore Peter"

"Fine but don't expect to change my mind on being  Spider man"

with that Peter packed his bag with anything he needed

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"Hey Tony"Peter said as he sat on the roof of a building "Hey kiddo whats up"Tony said."Um...can I stay with you for a little bit until I figure things out, because May found out so she kind of kicked me out"Peter told Tony "Ya kid you just did figured things out you can live here"Tony told him "No Tony I don't want to-" "No i'm not taking no for an answer besides the others love you"Tony cut him off before he could finish. So Peter started his way to Avengers Tower."Hey guys Peter coming to live with us" Tony said walking into the room that had all the Avengers in it."why"Steve asked "don't bring it up buy Peter's Aunt found out he was Spider Man and she kicked him out"

after an hour of patrolling from the building he was on to Stark Tower he went to the window of his lab knowing he would be there and sure enough he was."Hey kiddo let me show you to your room"Tony said as he came in through the window.after leading Peter to his room which had a couch a big bed and a 72 inch T.V."Hey you hungry kid"Tony asked as they left his room."ya I haven't ate since lunch"Peter said laughing a bit.When they got to the kitchen Tony started making sandwiches for the both of them."Hey Tony I just want to thank you for letting me live here"Peter said as he was about to take a bite out of his sandwich."NO problem kid I will always take care of you"Tony said."And we will to Tony if not the only one that's going to be taking care of you we all care for you Peter"Steve said then the other nodded."Thanks guys..wait this doesn't mean you ll will go to parent teacher conferences does it"Peter asked hoping they will say no."Yup because we all want to make sure you're not skipping school"Clint said with an Evil smile on his face.They all talked for the rest of the night before Peter went to bed for school tomorrow.

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