Chapter 2

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Everyone woke up to the smell of waffles. "What is that amazing thing that I may smell" Thor said waking up."That would be waffles  Thor "Steve said to Thor.Soon everybody was awake."Hey are you making waffles " Tony asked "Ya it's Peters birthday" Steve said."Oh ya" was the only thing Clint said before he tackled Peter to the ground."Happy birthday to you Peter " Thor said as he gave him a big hug. "Thanks Thor but if you wouldn't mind I would like to be able to breathe for my birthday " Peter said and went to go eat "Wait Steve cooks" Michelle asked "I didn't see that coming" said Liz "Yup and he's amazing"Peter said. When they got their waffles they saw Steve put blue berry's on them  "Awesome" Ned said as they sat down. When they were done Natasha was the first one to speak " Peter why don't you take Clint for that swing you promised" "but.." "or you could do regular training"She said."Fine"Peter said leaving with Clint "Alright let's get this swing going " Clint said all happy.Once they left Tony was the first one to speak "Okay so we're inviting Jennifer Lawrence Golden State Warriors, Ed Sheeran,Taylor Swift,Selena Gomez ,Vin Diesel , Rock, and Will Smith"Tony said "wait what's going on"Liz asked confused "Its Peters birthday so we're giving him a surprised birthday party"Bruce said "Awesome "was the only thing that Ned Could say.Then they started getting the party ready.But first they had to text Clint to tell him to have Peter go through his window and take off his suit.

"Okay hang on Clint"Peter said as he was about to jump.Peter was getting closes to the ground and Clint started screaming "PETER PETER PETER!!!"  "Just hang on Katnas will ya"Peter than shot his web and swung higher."Awesome"was the only thing that Clint said.Then Peter turned when he heard a scream 5 blocks down."Hey what are you doing"Clint asked as Peter turned "I heard somebody scream 5 blocks down"Peter responded "how?" " enhanced senses remember"Peter replied as dropped down to the alley.When they got there they saw 3 guys cornering a woman 2 with guns and one with a knife."Hey guys didn't anybody tell you that you can't hit a girl"then he shot his webs and grabbed the two guns.Peter took out the two guys with ease and Clint took out the other guy.Then Peter webbed them up to the wall while the lady called the cops.Right before they were about to leave a car came rushing by, so all Peter did was shoot webs in front of it and it stopped." Hey kid is this what you do every night until 2 am"Clint asked as they started swinging again "yup except it's not this easy"what do you mean not this easy you had to stop a car"Clint said while holding on to Peter.Peter just shrugged and kept swinging.

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"Okay is everyone ready"Bruce asked "yup" "yes" "indeed" "all done". "Okay guys we all went in on a gift what did you guys get him"Tony asked the three teenagers.They all left the room and 5 minutes later cane back with a long box. Ned was the first to speak "Well we all know Peter loves Star Wars" "And Liz's mom knows some people"Michelle said "So I asked my mom if she could get something for us" They opened the box and there it was, the original light saver that Luke Skywalker used in the movies signed by him. Everybody jaw dropped a little bit even Natasha looked impressed. "Oh let me see let me see"Tony said "Ah ya no sorry there buddy" Michelle said with a smirk. Then Bruce spoke up "May I" they all nodded and let him see it. "So what did you guys get him "We all chipped in and got him a car"Steve said "What kind of car"Ned asked confused "Follow me and I'll show you"Natasha said going to the Elevator.When they got down there sitting in the middle of the garage was and Audi I8 (I picked that one because I think that's the one they used in the commercial) "Woah" they all said at once "Indeed Children Woah it is"Thor said lifting his hammer. "Hey  guys we should go upstairs everybody is here"Steve said walking into the room

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"I can't believe that lady bought us Churros since we helped her"Clint said as him and Peter we're sitting on top of a building. "Hey Pete what's your favorite part of swinging" "Everything the rush I get it helps me clear my head it's like second nature" Clint just nodded "Well we should go and go through your window and get into regular clothes" "Okay but I don't have a good feeling about this" Peter said starting swinging back to the tower
10 minutes later
"Okay Clint we're here"Peter said as he was getting into his room."Okay lets go".Clint led Peter to the main room and what he saw surprised him.Everyone walked up to him " happy birthday loser"obviously that was from Michelle and everyone gave her a weird look." What there both losers" she said pointing to Ned and Peter.Peter just laughed "Thanks Michelle and thank you guys for all of this" "Ya and before we got here a lady bought us Churros"Clint said all excited "no problem kiddo oh and by the way you might want to go talk to Taylor swift over there she was looking forward to meeting you" "Awesome come on guys" Peter said pulling them away. The party lasted until 12 but he still needed to open his presents. "Okay Peter this is from me and the rest of the Avengers"Tony said handing him the box " No way this is awesome " what Peter found was car keys to an Audi I8. And this is from us 3 "I think I'm in heaven I'm never using this " "can I try"Tony said still wanting to hold it "Ya in your dreams Tony"Peter said closing the box. The rest of the night they spent talking and watching T.V.

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The next morning he woke up but couldn't find anyone."Hey JARVIS do you know where everyone is at" " yes they told me to inform you to go down for training but don't bring your suit" "Okay thanks JARVIS" "You're welcome Peter". Peter went down when his spidey-sense went off.Everything went in slow motion, he starting jumping dodging and flipping on to the ceiling.When he looked down he saw water balloons in the floor." What the heck is this" "were testing your spidey-sense"Ned answered. "This is going to be fun"Clint said as he threw another one at Peter which hit him."Okay you want to play like that I'm ready"Peter said getting down.It went on for about 30 minutes until Clint threw one and Peter dodged it which made it hit Natasha."Your dead now Peter you better run"Clint said laughing "Okay Natasha look it's just water so I'll be over there no need to get me"Peter said as he walked back slowly "You're so dead" Peter just booked it and ran as Natasha ran after him.Peter thought he lost her but before he could move out of the way Natasha tackled him and held his arm behind his back and her legs digging into his ribs. "Somebody help I'm to young to die!!" Peter screamed "you're lucky I like you"Natasha said getting up."Does this happen often "Liz asked Steve "Just don't get on her bad side and you'll be fine" Clint said

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Once training was done they all went out for pizza. " you know Tony just because we wanted Pizza doesn't mean we have to go to Italy" Bruce said from his seat in the private jet "Hey Peter's friends are here so we have to show them a good time"Tony told Bruce . "You live with some interesting people Pete" Liz said from her seat "ya man your lucky" Ned said " Yup I live with people who act like children who fight over the T.V play pranks and hide in vents.And I live with a god which is fun." "Does it ever get boring" Michelle asked "Boring is the last thing that will happen "Peter said smiling "oh and by the way if you ever come back don't eat Thor pop tarts" "Did I hear Pop Tarts"Thor said coming and sitting by Peter "No Thor there are no Pop Tarts" Peter said while rolling his eyes and laughing "I must tell your friends that you are a brave warrior in war and stories from Asgard" Peter than felt something hit his head he turned around and seen it was a paper airplane from Clint. Peter walked over to were Clint was. "Hey Clint how much longer till we arrive" "um... an hour and a half" " that's good" Peter said as he webbed Clint to the chair "it will come off in an hour don't worry, here Natasha a present for earlier use it wisely" Peter gave her a marker than she had a grin on her face. "Oh thanks Peter" she said taking the marker "Natasha Don't you dare" "Peter why don't you call Tony to share this present" "Hey Tony come here were drawing on Clint's face" "Oh I want to try". With that Peter left but not without a glare from Clint. " Hey Peter Thor is telling about stories from Asgard"Ned said "You have worthy friends Peter " "Thanks Thor oh and there drawing on Clint's face if you want to join" Thor just laughed "Certainly I indeed want to participate in that" with that he left "see never boring" "you have some good friends Peter"Liz said with a smile "Thanks Liz but there more like my family they would do anything to protect me and I would do anything to protect them". Peter felt a hand on his back when he looked up he saw Steve "Oh hey Steve did they finish drawing on Clint" Steve ruffled Peter's hair "Ya now there just getting the webbing off, but Tony said to tell you we should be there in 30 minutes" "Awesome because I'm starving " "Hey Peter you haven't properly introduced me to your friends" "Bruce this is Ned, Michelle and Liz" "Nice to meet you guys I'm Bruce Banner or you may know me as the hulk" "I've read some of your papers there very interesting"Michelle said "thank you not many people your age understand my research"Bruce said "Hey kiddos were here, Pizza here we come"Tony yelled as he went for the door.They got to go see everything and eat pizza.They all fell asleep on the way back.The next morning they woke up and luckily got to school on time.

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