Chapter 4

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It was only Tony and Natasha since Steve was out for a run and everyone else sleeps in. "Hey Tony have you seen the news, another school was attacked yesterday and two kids killed but look, the kids that died one of there parents did something bad"Natasha said from the couch "that's interesting"Tony said while getting coffee. Peter came rushing into the kitchen/living room to get an apple before he left since he was running late "Bye guys got to go or else I'll be late" "wait Peter you should stay home just in case your school gets attacked like all the other ones" "No it's fine Tony don't worry I'll be careful".And with that Peter left "that boys stupidity is going to get himself killed."Natasha said "tell me about it"

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"Hey guys "Peter said as he walked into school
Peter talked with them for a little bit than he had to go to Science. "Can someone translate Issac Newton's second law of motion is...Peter" "The net force of an object equals the mass of said object which is multiplied by the object's acceleration " "very good Mr.Parker".After an hour of Science was Peters least favorite thing in school...gym. "Hey Pete over here" Liz called from the other side of the gym."Hey Ned did you see the Star Wars movie marathon yesterday" "Ah yes dude"Ned said "Oh and I came up with a formula that makes my webs 10% stronger" "Nice" Ned said as they did their handshake. "Okay kids today we are playing dodge ball " the coach said, everybody celebrated except for Peter "dude whats wrong with your life now"Michelle asked "Ha ha very funny but what's wrong is every time we play dodge ball Flash goes for me while I have to stand there and take all the hits when really I could take the whole team out without breaking a sweat" Peter said whining "Ya I know sucks to be you"Michelle gave him a smirk.After some awful games of dodge ball Peter finally got to go eat lunch "Have you heard about what's happening at schools around New York" Ned asked "Ya even Tony tried to get me to stay home today just in case.I'm just happy Natasha didn't get into it because if she did there would be no way I would leave that tower"Peter said as he started eating his food "I hope they catch them soon"Liz said sitting down " ya kids keep dying at every school they go to" Michelle said reading her book.Over at Flash table "Ya I know Tony Stark and all the Avengers me and Hawkeye are buds if you ever see him and I'm there I'll show you"Flash said.Back at Peters table.All of a sudden they saw Peter tense up. "Peter what's wrong?"Liz asked "I don't know but something-".Peter was cut off as bullets came flying through the room."Everyone get down unless you want to die!!"The leader of the two said.

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"Guys you might want to look at this "Natasha yelled for everyone to come in.What they saw made them worry "School attack in Midtown science high school"."Someone get me a laptop so I could see what's going on."Tony yelled.He hacked into the school cameras but unfortunately there was no sound."We're looking for Liz Allen" the guy said "Peter pulled Liz behind him "Liz get behind me" "there she is"the second guy said.They saw Peter get punch and falling to the floor.Steve was the first one to speak"Everyone lets go" with that they rushed to Peters school.When Peter got up he found a gun pointing to his head. "THIS IS THE POLICE SURRENDER NOW OR WE WILL COME IN!!" The police captain said. "Go ahead we have a kid and we will not hesitate to shoot him "the leader said as he grabbed Peter still pointing the gun to his head. They soon landed outside of the school as they saw all the officers standing there "Avengers what are you doing here" "the real question is why aren't you going in there!"Tony yelled getting mad "They have a boy and won't hesitate to shoot".With that they all got mad knowing that the boy was Peter. "So Liz I'm afraid this is the end of the line for you" the man said.Before the man could pull the trigger his Spidey-sense went off and before he knew it he pushed Liz out of the way and got shot in the stomach.The man was shocked and what just happened.They all heard it outside and rushed in. Tony shot the two guys with his Repulsers and they fell to the ground . When the guys were down they saw Peter laying on the ground with blood starting to form around him.Tony,Natasha and Bruce ran to Peter while Steve went to get one guy and Clint and Thor got the other. And of course Flash had to talk.Clint was getting the guy when Flash said something "Hawkeye my bud it's Flash Thompson good to see you came here" "Shut up kid we don't know you, were here because someone in our family we cared about got hurt"with that he walked away with the guy."Penis Parker in there family that's ridiculous" Flash said while laughing "I would watch what you say or you may seek the punishment of a coward Peter is apart of our family just like all the Avengers "Thor said getting mad "ya sure I won't be mean to him anymore "Flash said getting scared.After Steve got the other guy he took Tony's place since he went to yell at the principal for not having a good security system. Bruce was the first one to speak "Steve put pressure on his wound, he's losing to much blood and Natasha make sure he doesn't fall asleep.Clint get a first aid kit or some kind of bandaged" "Hey Peter don't fall asleep okay focus on me" "I just want a quick nap" " no focus on me okay we're going to get you help".
"Steve pick him up a little so I could wrap this around him"Bruce said.Steve picked Peter up so Bruce could wrap him which stopped the bleeding for a little bit."Thor pick Peter up but be careful"Thor nodded and picked him and they left to the Quinjet. That's how the school found out Peter Parker lived with the Avengers.

"Okay somebody needs to keep him awake until we get to the tower"Bruce said as he was putting pressure on it. All they heard in the background was Tony screaming to his lawyer about the guys and how Peter isn't going back to school until he makes better security system for the school. "Next time Tony says I could stay home I'm staying home"Peter says trying to keep his eyes open. "Focus on my voice Peter were almost to the tower okay" Natasha said.Peter just gave a weak thumbs up. "Okay guys were here "Clint shouted from the pilot seat.Steve picked up Peter and the rushed into the tower. "Hey Tony get she stitches I need to do this before he loses more blood." Tony ran and got them. "So how is it" Natasha said and they could tell she was a bit worried. "Well it went far enough to do some damage but not enough to where it got anything important" "Oh that's good"Tony said "come on Tony let's leave Bruce to work and so I could clean up"Natasha said dragging him out of the room. "Hey why does Thor look like he wants to hit someone"Clint asked. "I don't know he's been like that since we got to the quinjet with Peter" "Thor why are you mad"Tony asked "A kid from Peters school said he wasn't worthy to be apart of our family" Thor responded to Tony "what kid was it?" Tony asked "a kid that calls himself Flash Thompson" Thor said "that kid tried to talk to me " Clint said "that's the kid that's always messing with Peter"Tony said getting mad.With that Steve broke the cup he was holding "what did you say Thor" "I told the young one that if he keeps saying does things he will meet the fate of a coward" "Nice going Thor"Clint said "wait so let me get this straight, Peter was shot for saving someone but still said that he would never be able to apart of this family " Natasha said getting angry just like the rest of them "Aye" "well I say let's go give this guy a visit "Clint says hopping down from his seat.With that they all got up to leave."Hey what did I miss"Bruce asked "Stay here with Peter were paying someone a visit."Tony said as they got into the elevator.

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They found Flash car but he wasn't there so they decided to wait for him. Steve and Natasha were the most angry about the situation so they had to be held back before they did something they were going to regret."Oh awesome the Avengers are at my car" Flash said walking up to them "actually we have come here to warn you"Clint said while holding Natasha back "Warn me about what?" Flash asked giving them a weird look." About not to mess with Peter Parker"Clint told him "oh ya penis Parker thinks he could play hero.Do you know me and my friends kicked him so hard one time we gave him a couple bruised ribs that taught him a lesson " Flash said as he said as he started laughing. With that Steve and Natasha just got them even more mad then they already were. "What's wrong with those two" pointing to Steve and Natasha. "Let's just say Cap really hates bullies and Widow thinks of him as nephew ." Tony said "So don't you ever disrespect Peter again and we'll be good here "Tony added "wait so since you say you're 'family' what are you guys to him" "Oh I'm the awesome older brother while Bruce who you may know as the hulk is more of his uncle and Natasha over here is like his Aunt"Clint stated "Aye,I am also his uncle " Thor added "me on the other hand am like his father figure while capsicle is like the mother of the family"Tony said.Flash then got in his car but before he left he told them"you guys are weird and don't worry I won't mess with your Peter again."

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"Ugh I feel terrible"Peter opened his eyes to bright lights "well you should since you just got shot in the stomach "Bruce said walking in. "Next time Tony lets me stay home I'm staying home" Bruce just laughed "Hey where is everybody" "I don't know they left a while-" "hey kiddo how you feeling"Tony spread his hands in the air "could be worse where did you guys go?" "To talk to a kid Flash Thompson...well mostly Clint and Tony did all the talking"Natasha said sounding angry "you would have killed the kid" "wait are you guys serious?" "Yes and he won't be bothering you no more"Steve said with a smile. "Thanks guys but you didn't have to " " Nay he disrespected a brave warrior after they did an honorable thing " "thanks Thor....Uh Bruce can I get out of here now" "yes but you'll need a wheelchair" Bruce told him "Ugh!!" Next thing he knows he has two big hands picking him up and putting him in the wheelchair. "How long am I going to have to stay like this" "3 days" Natasha told him. Peter crossed his arms "Fine" Clint then pushed his wheelchair into the living room. "Hey kiddo I'm starting a new security system for your school so you'll go back on Monday." Tony said "oh come on Tony... and can I have something to eat I never got to finish lunch" Peter asked. Steve ruffled his hair "sure thing kid".

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