Chapter 6

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Writer12Reader247 for giving me motivation to finish this chapter

It was finally monday which means he gets to go back to school.Peter woke up on time so he took his time to wash up and get breakfast."Hey guys "Peter said as he walked in at sat down when Tony came over and patted him on the back "ready to go back to school kiddo" "yes and no"Peter replied "why is that" Steve asked as he handed out eggs bacon and toast. "I can't wait to see my friends but i really don't feel up to gym"Peter said than Bruce spoke up "well that's good because I didn't want you to do gym so here" Peter was handed a piece of paper "yes i could kiss you right now Bruce "please don't "Bruce said with a smile.They both laughed then Natasha talked "Peter shouldn't you be gone by now" Peter looked at the clock and he was 10 minutes late." Oh shoot ya I should"then he ran to school. Peter was out of breath by the time he got to school . "Hey Ned where are the others" Peter asked "oh hey Peter, Liz is helping with something and I don't know where Michelle is " He responded ."okay well we should get going" Peter said and Ned nodded, so they headed off to Science. They were walking when he bumped into someone when he turned back he saw Flash. He was about to say sorry but Flash beat him to it "oh sorry Peter I didn't see you there" ."it's okay Flash and seriously don't act like your walking on pins and needles around me" "It's just your 'family' is really intimidating "he said "Their not going to do anything to you Flash, don't worry they might be intimidating, but it's only because they care and seriously we could hang out" "Ya that would be nice dude" Flash said then left.Then they went their separate ways. "Well that was weird " Ned said as they were out of earshot of Flash."yup". During gym they met up with Liz and Michelle. At that moment Peter loved his life, they were going to have to do the rope but luckily he had his note from Bruce."So you and Flash are buddies now" Peter jumped at the sound but turned around to see Michelle reading a book."Oh hey Michelle and I don't know if you would call it buddies I just told him he didn't need to be so careful around me."Peter told her "Okay whatever "then she went back to reading.At the end of gym he met up with Liz because they had class together. "So you and Flash are buddies now" she asked while nudging him in a friendly way "Okay one: why does everyone assume that and two:no I just told him he doesn't have to act so careful around me and told him that the others aren't going to do anything to them" Peter said to her as they entered class.When they entered their class they saw that they had a substitute so they got to talk for the rest of the class.When he sat down everybody crowded around him asking questions about the Avengers." All I can say is that Tony is very annoying and Cap is very over protective while Hawkeye is very immature. Then you don't want to get on Black Widows bad side Bruce aka the hulk is the mature one and last but will never consider himself least is Thor which is weird ". Then Liz friend asked her a question "since your friends with Peter have you meet them" Liz gave Peter a look that said 'can I tell them about that weekend' which he gave a nod in response. "Yes actually not this past weekend but the weekend before that me Michelle and Ned stood over. We had a movie marathon the next day they threw him a surprised birthday party and a bunch of celebrities came then the next day Tony took us to Italy for pizza on his private jet " Next thing they know they hear 'awesome' and things like that.That was how the rest of the day went so he was finally relieved when school finished.

"So guys what do you want to do " Ned asked while Peter and Michelle left while Liz said "lets go  get something to eat".They all went to Subway and each got 6 inch sandwiches. "So what happened in class earlier because me and Ned heard people shouting questions " Michelle said while eating her sandwich. "Ya one second it's all loud in there and the next it wasn't " Ned added ." Oh they just asked me about the Avengers and Liz if she meet them." Peter told the two "what did you guys tell them" Michelle asked " Told them they were like and our weekend trip to the tower" Liz said.They talked about the rest of their day then left. When they were walking back they heard screaming. They ran toward it and saw a guy with 4 other metal arms coming out of his back. "I am looking for Spiderman " they heard him scream while Peter just whined " man can't I ever catch a break" he then turned back to his 3 friends "you guys get out of here and get somewhere safe" they nodded when they saw him run into an alley and a minute later they saw Spiderman come out so they got out of there. "Hey dude I'm right here and do you have a evil name and if not I could come up with one for you it charges one butt whooping from me " Peter than punched him throwing him into some cars. "You fool I am Doctor Ottoctavios (I'm not sure how to spell that) and I will smash you like a bug" " okay real original how about Doctor Octopus because of the extra arms oh and Doc. Ock for short" Then he got hit by one of the arms and got sent back half a block crashing through a wall. When he got up he saw that the Tower was a couple block away. So he was about to get up when everything started spinning then his Spidey-sense went off he turned around just in time to jump out of the way of one of the arms. But he didn't have enough time to jump out of the second one which grabbed ahold of his neck and slammed him against the building. He tasted blood which was probably coming somewhere from his forehead and he was pretty sure he had a couple bruised ribs." I am here to warn the Avengers not to mess with me so I am not going to hurt their precious spider" Peter saw he had a needle and tried to get away from it . He managed to get out of the hold but not fast enough to get out of the way of the needle. He started to feel tired and knew it was a sedative so he swung into a building and tried to make his way to the tower. He jumped out of the way and they started fighting. He was able to pull off a few punches and kicks but that was it since he was half asleep.He let his guard down for a second and got hit. He couldn't get back up and he saw him coming towards him "I'll will win this war " was the last thing he heard before he fell into the dark that is his mind. "Finally this little bug is down, and now to take him to the Avengers as a warning " he picked Peter up with one of his arms and dragged him to the Tower.He was able to use his arms to climb the tower and when he hit the right floor he broke the glass. The only people that were in there was Steve, Natasha and Clint " here's your warning, do not try to stop the war that's coming" he threw Peter on the ground and left.

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