Chapter 7

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Dedicated to Writer12Reader247 if you see this comment and let me know what you think!!

At an abandoned warehouse Doc. Ock and the Vulture were meeting with some new friends.Standing in front of them was the Green Goblin aka Norman Osborn the Lizard aka Doctor Conner's Kraven the Hunter and Scorpion. Adrian was the first to speak "welcome, we have asked you here because we need your help.Ever since Spider-man came along he has stopped everything. so we need your help to eliminate the Spider than we can rule New York" they all started cheering and the Sinister 6 was born.

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Peter didn't go to school that day just in case so he spent the day training with Natasha until lunch.After they walked to go get pizza around the corner. "so Peter hows school" Natasha asked as they were sitting down "alright I guess". When they were dome with their lunch they left but before they good get to the tower they heard people screaming.The went to go check it out went they found a guy on a glider throwing bombs.They ran into an alley while Peter changed and Natasha called for backup. "why cant I have one day where there isn't a new villain and how much do you want to bet hes here for me and working with Ock and Vulture" "that's not true I mean-" before Natasha could finish Green Goblin spoke "I am looking for Spider-Man" "don't go out there Peter until the others come" but Peter didn't listen and swung away "Hey goby if you wanted to see me you could have just asked" "ah Spider-Man I've been waiting for you to come" "ya well since I'm here the party can get started" than Peter webbed his face and did a round house kick to his face.The next thing Peter see's is a blast and red white and blue shield come from no where."It took you guys long enough" "ya ya kid were not as young as we use to be".It didn't take that long for them to take down the  Green Goblin. Right before he passed out he said "we're coming Spider-Man". "well that's not creepy" Tony said as his suit was taking itself apart.

         When everything was over Peter called Jed over to hang out.When Ned came over they sat in the living room building legos. Then Clint saw them and decided to join them. "Ooh what are you guys doing" Clint asked walking in "we're building Ned's 7000 piece lego Death Star " Peter responded "can I help" "sure!" Ned exclaimed.So they sat there for an hour and a half until just laughing and talking.Then Natasha and Tony walked in "Clint what are you doing" Natasha asked as she walked in with Tony as saw the 3 boys sitting on the ground. Clint threw his hands in the air "Playing with legos!" "We'll get up we found some news about the green goblin" Tony said. Peter and Clint both nodded. Peter walked Ned out and went then went back to discuss what they found. When he got back up he saw that Steve, Thor and Bruce have joined the others . "Ah now that the kid is here we could start" Tony said as he clapped his hands. "So Tony what have you found out " "Yes what has the man of iron found out" Thor boomed. "Well thanks to Natasha we found out the other 5 people he's working with" Tony said "five?" Bruce said in a curious voice "yes he's working with Doc Ock the Vulture some guy named Kraven the Hunter the Lizard and the Scorpion " Natasha said. " Do we no what their motive is" Steve asked in his usual calm but demanding voice he uses when in leader mode. "I think I know what it is" Clint spoke up with a smile then Tony spoke " kill Spider-Man". "I knew it" Clint yelled "what else is new" Peter said then it  hit Peter "guys we might have a problem " "other than 6 villains wanting to kill you" Clint said sarcastically which earned him a glare from Natasha "yes that and we might have forgotten that The Vulture knows my identity " all their faces paled "well than we're going to bring the people that you talk to and associate with everyday to the tower until this whole thing blows over" Tony said "even if we're not friends " "yup why" " you're not going to like this but that means we would have to include Flash Thompson " "ugh fine". Than Tony went to go find Flash Thompson's address while Peter text Ned, Liz and Michelle what was happening and come to the tower.

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