Chapter 4: Weapons of Mass Awesomeness

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The next morning, Jack woke up and rolled off his bed onto the floor with a loud thud. He groaned in annoyance and stood up. Rubbing his eyes and yawning, he slowly tried to make his way to the kitchen. When he found his way there, Cry was basically asleep above his bowl of cereal and Ken was leaning on the counter drinking coffee. He noticed Jack and nodded at him. Jack barely noticed the gesture and held his hand up in a lazy greeting and it fell back down to his side. He noticed there was some coffee in the coffee maker still, so he poured himself a cup and drank it black. Ken's face scrunched up in disgust when he saw how Jack liked his coffee. "That's disgusting Jack. It's too bitter." Ken said. Jack shrugged and took another drink, "It's black and bitter like my soul." He said with a smile. Ken laughed and Cry shot up and fell out of his chair because of the sudden loud noise. Jack and Ken both started laughing more.

The rest of the morning was uneventful. Each member of the team would walk in tiredly (except for Wade because apparently he was a morning person) and have breakfast and talk a little. Then they just kinda sat around and talked. Then around ten Felix decided to go with his plans he made yesterday. "Everyone to the training room! We have to show Jack what we're made of!" He said excitedly and everyone followed him to the training room.

"So since I got here first, and I'm the leader, I'll go first!" Felix said as he stood in front of everyone. He kissed the ring on his fist and a blue light covered his body and his armor appeared, the light blue almost seemed to glow in the light of the training room. He smirked and posed. Then he pounded his fists together and light blue gauntlets with a dark blue and white outline appeared on his fists. He pounded the ground and it cracked. "These are my brofists! They are strong and they look badass." He said. Then he pounded them together twice and they disappeared, then he pulled off the dark blue diamond on his chest and his armor disappeared, leaving him in blue pajama pants and a T-shirt with a duck on it. "Ken's turn!" Felix said as he sat on the floor next to Cry.

Ken got up and was holding his bear hat. Everyone eagerly waited for him to do something. Ken put the bear hat on and poked the nose. The eyes on the bear turned orange and his eyes turned orange as well. A dark orange chest plate covered him with a bright orange gem in the middle. Similar to Jack's armor, there was an "x" design on his chest and the sleeves went to his elbows. There were more straps on his shoulders and he had a simple belt and long cut off orange gloves. Ken's boots were short and they had straps instead of laces. "Uh, this is my bear hat. It's like grappling hooks and claws I guess?" He demonstrated by holding up one of the arms of the hat and threw it towards the wall. The arm stretched out and grabbed onto the wall. Then he called it back and took the gem out of his chest plate and his armor disappeared and the bear hat's eyes turned black and lifeless again. "Okay Cry, your turn." Ken said and he sat down next to Felix.

Cry stood up and walked in front of the group. He just ran his hand across the mask and his armor appeared. It wasn't made of the same material as Felix or Ken's armor, but it looked more like Jack's Hoodie under his chest plate. It looked loose and it had short sleeves. It wrapped around his chest and the thick trims were gray. The main color was white with a white octagonal gem over his heart. There was a white strap going across his chest, opposite of the way his shirt wrapped. He had white jeans and a gray belt with a white buckle and white gun holsters strapped to both of his legs. His boots were tall and white, they zipped up on the sides. He pulled out two white pistols that seemed to glow. "I have these twin pistols and I heal people I guess." He shrugged and took the gem out and sat down. "Uh I think it's Mark's turn now?"

Mark stood up and confidently walked up to the front. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a pink mustache. Jack was confused, a pink mustache? Mark put it under his nose and his armor appeared on him. His chest plate was similar to Jack's because it looked like it covered half his torso, but it covered the bottom too. It had a strap across the stomach and a rectangular gem on his chest. His belt was a dark pink with a light pink buckle and his jeans were almost red instead of pink. His boots were tall and they strapped up. He had a red flannel on over all the pink, probably to make it a little less feminine. His gloves were long and didn't cover his fingers. His hair turned red at the top. His glasses also disappeared and Jack finally saw how brown his eyes really are, but the mustache wasn't there anymore. To say the least, he looked fantastic. Mark smirked and summoned a long pink katana that started to glow kinda like a lightsaber. "This is my katana I guess? I don't have a name for it or anything but it's cool!" Then he put it away and took out the gem and his armor came off and his hair turned full black again.
"Well it's Bob's turn now." Mark said as he sat back down.

Bob shook his head lightly when he walked in front of the group. He put on his headphones and pressed down on the gem that was over his left ear. His armor had short sleeves and the chest plate zigzagged down the middle the left was dark purple and the right was lilac and both the sleeves were black. He had dark violet pants and short dark purple boots with black straps. His belt was black with a purple buckle and round knee pads of the same color. He had long dark purple cut off gloves with purple arm bracers wrapped around his arms. They were glowing. "Um, I don't have much of a weapon, I just have these... bracer things? Um, they just protect my arms when I use my strength or block an attack." He pressed down on the gem that was covering his right ear and his armor disappeared and he sat down. "Uh, Wade, you go." He said.

Wade did as everyone else did, and stood in front of the group. He looked down at his shoes and tapped his left foot on the floor a few times. His shoes turned red and his armor appeared. It had sleeves that went down to his elbows and the whole chest plate was dark red with a bright red trim. There was a strip of red separating his shoulders from the rest of the chest plate. He had long dark red gloves with a point at the top that was bright red. He had two belts that crossed over each other and his jeans were a darker red than the rest of his armor and he had bright red knee pads and tall boots that zipped up in the back. There was a red diamond shaped gem on his chest.
"I run really fast, and I can do cool stuff because of it." He smiles and a woosh is heard. Then he's still smiling but now he has a sharpie.

Felix starts laughing and so does Cry when they looked over at Mark. Jack leaned over and looked at Mark. There was a dick with wings on his forehead and a mustache. Mark glared at Wade and Jack started to laugh rather loudly. Everyone was looking at him now and Mark seemed to be smiling at Jack instead of glaring at Wade now. Jack noticed everyone staring and just coughed and cleared his throat. "Um... sorry, it was funny." Mark laughed "If it means we get to get you out of your shell, then I'd have a billion dicks on my face." Wade scoffed and smiled deviously "That can be arranged." Mark glared at Wade again and Wade laughed. "Well now it's your turn to show off Jack!" Felix said excitedly. Jack blushed and nodded lightly.

The rest of the group waited excitedly and Bob pushed Jack up to the front of the group and gave him a thumbs up. Jack was so nervous. Everyone else had all these cool weapons ore even powers! He just had a shield that lit up when something hit it. Not the best weapon to show off. "Don't be scared Jack, we won't kill you." Mark finally blurted out because Jack has just been standing there in silence looking nervous. Jack nodded and looked down and reached into his pocket and pulled out the septiceye. "Is that why you called yourself 'Jacksepticeye'?" Wade asked. Jack held up the eye. "Oh, um... yeah it is." Wade laughing, "that's clever!" Mark nodded and looked up at Jack. Jack just smiled a little and put the eye over his and his armor appeared. He heard some oohs and ahs from the group. He didn't think his armor would get that kind of reaction. Although Felix has already seen it, he applauded.
"Show them your weapon!" Felix said. Jack nodded and summoned his shield. "That looks awesome!" Ken said exactly. Jack was shocked. They thought it was cool? Well he won't complain.

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