An Interview with ModestMuslimah

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This interview was conducted by ModestMuslimah with the permission of Hopemore, and on behalf of Muslims_Ink. The interviewee consents to the use of his/her words and answers in this interview. Furthermore, the interviewee understands that the purpose of this interview is to "introduce" the author (i.e. his/herself) to our community of readers here. Therefore some questions will be personal, and some will be about their works. It was with this understanding that the interview was conducted.

@Hopemore's Interview

She's an amazing individual with a big heart and open mind. Known by her unique username and much loved novel on wattpad, Yes Brothers and sisters I bring you the one and only: @HOPEMORE!!!

{Waiting for @Hopemore to arrive at the coffee shop we had agreed to meet at. The retro-style coffee shop was relatively small yet had a very warm and welcoming atmosphere; with its red walls accompanied with its chestnut colour tables throughout the area. The sound of small-talk, occasional laughter and the buzz of the machines whirring filled the air along with the smell of vanilla and coffee beans

A sudden gust of cold wind blew in from the door behind me, and the bell above the door tinkled alerting the patrons of someone's entrance. Immediately, I shifted my body around in my seat to see a young muslimah entering the shop.

The young lady's eyes skimmed the area, as our eyes briefly met, we both realised who each of us were. This was definitely @Hopemore. I waved at her and beckoned her over to the table)

@Hopemore: As-Salaamu Alaykum! Thanks for having me here :)

Me: *rises from seat* Wa'Alaykum As-Salaam Sister! Likewise, a pleasure to have you too *shakes hand* Please take a seat *ushers towards a chair*

@Hopemore: *shakes hand and sits down*It's an honour to meet you.

@Me: *sits back down*Shukran! A ton of Jazaakillah Khayran's for agreeing to meet and take this interview.

@Hopemore: It's fine, really. I'm happy to be here :)

@Me: So, How are you today?

@Hopemore: Fine, Alhamdulilaah. And you, sister?

@Me: Al-Hamdulillah doing great too. Would you like to choose something from the menu before we dive straight into this interview?

@Hopemore: Ooh! Chocolate Éclairs and coffee?

@Me: Delicious! :D Why not? *signals waitress and gives order*

@Hopemore: Why don't we start while we wait?

@Me: Of course :) *straightens papers* Ah, first question; most of us know you by your username 'Hopemore' would we perhaps have the privilege to know you by your real name today? * Cheeky grin*

@Hopemore: I guess it can't hurt, really. My real name's Yusra. And if I understand it correctly, it's supposed to mean 'easy', 'like in that ayat: "easiness comes after hardship." :)

@Me: MaaShaaAllah that is a beautiful name Yusra, certainly suits your easy going character *smiles*

@Hopemore Aw, Thanks *blushes*

@Me *chuckles* No problem ukhti Sooo... Have you ever been known or called by any other name- even the embarrassing ones? :D

@Hopemore: Oh yes. Someone I know calls me Poosra. I dont mind because she's close to me but I would if it was anyone but her.

@Me: awh, that's quite cute :D waggles eyebrows* are you sure there isn't anymore? *smirks*

@Hopemore: *laughs* Not that I can recall.

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