An Interview with Le_Muslim_Man

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This interview was conducted by Le_Muslim_Man with the permission of SnortleChortle, and on behalf of Muslims_Ink. The interviewee consents to the use of his/her words and answers in this interview. Furthermore, the interviewee understands that the purpose of this interview is to "introduce" the author (i.e. his/herself) to our community of readers here. Therefore some questions will be personal, and some will be about their works. It was with this understanding that the interview was conducted.


I was stirred from my slumber by the chilling winds crawling on my skin. I looked down to discover that I'd accidentally kicked my covers off of myself yet again, much to my dismay. Beside my pillow rested my cell phone, my substitute for an actual alarm clock. Looking at the time, I noted that I only had three minutes remaining until the alarm would ring anyhow, so I did the only reasonable thing. I grabbed my covers from the bottom of my bed and quickly crawled back under them, enjoying the warmth and comfort they offered and ignoring the cold reality of responsibility.

My alarm went off without fail, and I groggily arose from my bed. After a shower and other such morning preparations, I made my way into the kitchen. I scoured through the refigerator like a hungry beast on a hunt, but it seemed my predatory skills were lacking, as I failed to find anything suitable to eat. "This sucks," I said to myself, noting the unfortunate phenomenom of having loads of food but nothing to eat. I closed the refrigerator and walked to the cabinets.

It was at this moment that I decided to stop narrating my actions aloud, as I had earned myself a strange look from my mother who stood in the kitchen doorway. I pretended to see what I was looking for just long enough for her to walk away, then I quickly shut the cabinet and left to my room. I opened up my laptop and decided to check the time of my flight to the UK one last time. I had an interview with SnortleChortle and God forbid anyone do the sensible, realistic thing of doing the interviews through online interactions and social media. Hmph, that would be utterly ridiculous.

I sat on my bed, speechless as I stared at the screen. Disappointment overwhelmed me, for it was in that moment of time that I remembered I'm a broke college kid and don't have money to waste on random "adventures" for interviews that don't really happen. I sighed aloud. My associates would be so ashamed of me. Alas, I cannot afford to suffer the same delusions as they do. Thus, I decided on the alternative, a method myself and apparently the only other sensible member on the team have used before: online interaction. With that, I opened up my wattpad and messaged SnortleChortle, and thus the interviewing began...

LE interview:

LMM: Okay so let's start with the basics: name, age, location

SC: My username is of course SnortleChortle, I use the pseudonym Sarah here on Wattpad but I won't disclose my real name if that's okay (too many stalkers as we know). Though a handful of people do know it. I am in my late twenties :/ yes, I really do feel like an old aged pensioner here amongst all you youthful spotty teenagers! ;) And I hail from England, UK

LMM: How'd you discover Wattpad?

SC: Back in early 2013 I had to literally hide all books because my younger son decided it was fun to rip anything in sight. So I decided to look online for reading material and after a quick google search, it threw up Wattpad which caught my eye. So I read for a good year until I decided to stop lurking and join a few months ago, and now here I am being interviewed :) CRAZY!

LMM: First book you read?

SC: I can't actually remember to be honest! All I can recall is that I was really into it. And then I realized, there were only 5 chapters and I'm mentally cursing myself for starting an incomplete book loll. That's when it dawned on me what Wattpad is about. My first Islamic book was "The Delinquent and the Hijabi".

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2014 ⏰

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