An interview with HijabiFreedom...By enigmaticmuslimah

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Bismillahir rahmaan ar raheem

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful


I dragged my bag down the long, narrow aisle of the plane. Ugh! I wish planes would have a travellator running down the middle – so I wouldn’t have to bump old men with my hand luggage, my hand bag or my elbows.

38B….38B…. Ah! Found it!

In the seat next to me is a young Muslim girl, busy with her phone. Well, she’s not going to be staring at her screen for much longer, I intend to make some conversation.

Me: Assalaamu Alaikum.

Girl: Wa Alaikom Assalam!!! :D

Me: How are you? Do you like flying? I love it, but I’m just scared we mustn't disappear like that Malaysia plane! Oh, and what’s your name?

Girl: I know that was such a tragedy! In Sha Allah this flight will go better D: Oh, I'm Ismaat! What's your name? :3

Me: Khadijah :D.  Hey, were you reading on your phone, earlier?

Girl: Yes, yes I was. Wattpad is pretty much my favorite site in the world ;)

Me: OMG! I knew it! I love Wattpad too, I’m so addicted to it. Hey, what’s your username?

Girl: HijabiFreedom

Me: What?! No freaking way! You’re kidding me, right?

HF:  Erm… Nope, that’s definitely me  *Looks slightly confused*

Ding dong! “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome on board Flight JP786 from Amman to Jerusalem. We ask that you please fasten your seatbelts at this time and secure all baggage underneath your seat or in the overhead compartments. We also ask that your seats and table trays are in the upright position for take-off. Please turn off all personal electronic devices, including laptops and cell phones. Smoking is prohibited for the duration of the flight. Thank you. Enjoy your flight.”

Me: Don’t think this is over! When we’re stable up there, you’re in for some questioning. I’m a huge fan – don’t worry though, I’m not a creepy one; P

HF: I have a fan?! Oh my gosh, questioning?! This is so exciting! *murmurs various strange, excited noises*

Me: Right, seatbelts signs are off. The plane is up in the air – you have no way of escaping me now *evil laugh*.  Wait! Don’t go away; you can’t hide in the toilet for the whole journey!  I’m just kidding with you. But on a serious note, will you do an interview with me now, and then I can post it on Wattpad later?

HF: Yes, absolutely! *beams widely*

Me: Okay, so can we get started? I’m going to be random, okay.  But first, you have to fill in and sign this form for me – I’m so glad I had one in my bag!

I, the interviewee, _Ismaat__ consent to the use of my words/answers for this interview. I also understand that the purpose of this interview is to ‘introduce’ me to our community of readers. Therefore, some questions will be personal, and some will be about my works.

(This interview was conducted by enigmaticmuslimah, and on behalf of Muslims_Ink. It was with this understanding that the interview was conducted.)

Me: Jazakillah: D First off, where are you from?

HF: Well I’m kind of a mixed child. My mom is from America, but my baba is from Jerusalem 

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