An Interview with Veil_24

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This interview was conducted by Veil_24 with the permission of SkyCastles, and on behalf of Muslims_Ink. The interviewee consents to the use of his/her words and answers in this interview. Furthermore, the interviewee understands that the purpose of this interview is to "introduce" the author (i.e. his/herself) to our community of readers here. Therefore some questions will be personal, and some will be about their works. It was with this understanding that the interview was conducted.

SkyCastles' interview

The train station was busier than usual. People walked in close-knit pacts, squishing past each other with their large baggage. Amidst the tumult, I sat in solitude anxiously awaiting the arrival of the train. “C’mon! Can you come any sooner!”I adjusted my navy blue hijab. I ended up wearing a white blouse that reached past my thighs and showed a bit of my flowy black skirt. Simplicity is the epitome of beauty.  I checked my phone once again. Ya Allah please let this train come soon!

My prayers were answered and I was overjoyed to hear the familiar horn approaching the platform. I quickly gathered my bag and made my way towards the edge of the platform. “Train 4324 on track 1 departing for Istanbul is now boarding. Please gather in am orderly line and have your tickets ready. Thank you for choosing Express and have a nice trip!”


Orderly my butt! I ended up having to shove past everyone just to step onto the train. Thankfully, because of my height, I manage to not get trampled on! Subhanallah the management here sucks! Alhamdulillah I managed to find a cozy compartment near the front of the train.

All right my interviewee should be arriving soon. Ilham game face on! I looked around hoping to spot someone who would look like… Wait what was her name again? Oh Sky_Castles that’s it! I watched couples and families pass by but I couldn’t seem to find anyone who fit the bill of SkyCastles. Well duh? How is she supposed to know your veil_24?

Oh ya, thanks alter ego

Pssh whatevaaaaa

After the train doors closed I decided to try and check through the passengers once again. A man is a funny looking suit stopped me before I could reach the aisle. “Ma’am ticket please”

“Oh just one second”

I rummaged through the contents of my bag. Where are youuuu! Come out come out wherever you are!

My heart sank.

Oh god…my wallet! WHERE IS MY WALLET!

“Oh no! Did we depart already?”

The man in the funny suit rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. “Of course we left already ma’am” putting extra emphasis on the word ma’am “Now let me see your ticket puhleeeeeease” Scuze me sir I aint liking that att-E-tude of yours!

I started to panic. “Listen I left my wallet in the station! My ticket was in my wallet so I don’t-“

“No ticket? I need you to follow me then ma’am”

I gave him my signature “Are you being for real look”. “Uh where are we going”?

He turned around and answered in that haughty tone of his. “M’aaaaaaam were going to see the conductor who will decide what to do with you. This train is for paying customers. Now follow me please”. THIS TRAIN IS FOR PAYING CUSTOMERS!!! I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and throw my shoe at him. Of course I couldn’t throw my shoe though! It’s too cute looking!

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