1. Cheater

923 19 6

Rose's POV 🌴:

"Babe I don't want to go" I said.

"You have to sweetheart. You need to get a job at that place. It's your dream you'll be perfect I know you will" Jay said in a whisper.

His eyes were piercing into mine, and my heart fluttered a bit.

"I love you Jay. Thank you for being there for me when I need you the most" I said my lips inching closer to his.

I started to giggle as he brought me on the bed and got on top of me and started tickling me.

He stopped, and before I knew it his lips were placed firmly on mine.

I kissed him back, and then he went down to my neck. I moaned at the contact and tilted my head giving him more access. I saw that the clock beside me read 4.

I pushed Jay off of me making him land on the floor with a thud.

I jumped off the bed and said "Sorry I have to go or I'll be late" I said rushing out the door.

My sister was in the living room and I told her "I'll be home at 6."

She nodded her head without any other words being exchanged, and I rushed to get to my car. The engine roared, and I made my way to my job interview.

My dream job was at one of the top business moguls in the world. It was an amazing opportunity, and Jay thinks that I'll get in because I worked so hard for it. I went to Harvard, and I passed with my masters degree to work in this business. Not to mention I busted my butt off in high school.

I stared at the tall building briefly, and then I rushed inside for my appointment.

I made it right in time, and I was led to Mr. Hughes office.

My stomach started to churn uncomfortably due to the nervousness I felt. The lady stopped me in front of the door marked Liam Hughes.

I didn't know what to expect anymore.

People had said that he was a very understanding person while some said he was very attractive, but he had a very bad temper.

I knocked on the door and I heard a voice say "Come in."

I stepped into the office quickly closing the door behind me. I came face to face with an incredibly handsome man. I took steps towards the powerful man that I was bound to be intimidated by.

He had a smile on his face that said it all. It was a professional smile yet a daring smile.

"Sit" he ordered me, and I did just that.

Mr. Hughes assessed me up and down as if to make me feel intimidated. I tried to look unaffected by his stares, but I doubt that it worked.

"Convince me and tell me why I should give you this job Ms. Smith" he stated in a serious tone.

I put on my brave face as I began my speech "Mr. Hughes I know that I deserve this job because I am an excellent worker. I work fast to get things done, and I know how to be persistent. If you don't like something I will fix it immediately no questions asked. I will never be late, and I will follow all of your rules. I worked very hard to get where I am, and I didn't have an easy life growing up which made me work harder for things I want, and I really want this job, so I will keep on trying til I get my fair shot."

"Ms. Smith, I know everything about you that needs to be known. I check up on all of my employees, and I have to say I am impressed by you and your determination. You went to Harvard graduated with masters and honors" he said in a calm tone.

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