74. Surprise

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Rose's POV🌴:

It's been a week since the conversation between Mr. Hughes and I took place.

To say that I was shocked was the least.

Things have been so hectic and stressful. It wasn't good for me or the baby, and I still haven't found a way to tell Adonis about me carrying his baby.

I had everything planned already, but it's the time that I didn't have.

Adonis and I both walked in our home.

He officially had me move all of my stuff in here and now we were really living together. Nikki wasn't surprised at all and encouraged me to move in with him. She was happy about the news of me owning my own business, but she was upset at the fact I hadn't told Adonis about me being pregnant.

I took off my heels and put them inside my walk-in closet.

I felt Adonis's strong arms wrap around my waist carefully as he pulled me against him. I was going to start showing soon, I was sure of it.

I pulled away from Adonis and I placed him on the ottoman in the middle of my closet.

I went inside in my purse and retrieved the box that I had wrapped a few days ago. Adonis looked at me confused as I handed him the box.

I kneeled in front of him, waiting for his expression as he opens the box.

He takes out a pair of little shoes and he stares at me for answers. "Babe, I think you got the wrong size for me" ,he joked.

A smile graced my face as I rubbed my stomach lightly.

His face lit up as he realized what I meant.

"You're pregnant?!" ,he exclaimed happily.

I nod my head slowly before a wide smile spread across his face. He kneels in front of me and brings me into a tight hug. He kisses me repeatedly on the face, making me giggle. "I can't believe you're carrying my child. This is the greatest day of my life!" ,he screamed.

He looked down at my stomach for a moment. He placed his hand on the small of my stomach before rubbing it lightly.

"I can't wait for you to start showing" ,he says sweetly.

He brings his lips to mine and kisses me passionately making me lose my breath.

"I'm going to set an appointment with an OB/GYN" ,he says excitedly running out of the closet. I smiled happily running my hand across my stomach.

"You're going to be so loved by everyone" ,I whispered to the baby forming in my stomach.

I called Scott on the phone and said sternly, "Get me those papers. I need them now."

"Ok, Ms. Smith" ,he said quickly.

I was really getting the swing of things. Everything was running smoothly and everyone seemed happy with me in charge.

I had a new office that was way bigger with a better view. I even have my own personal assistant, Scott.

He was new, but I really liked him.

All in all, I couldn't complain.

Life was great.

Scott came bursting into my office with the papers that I asked for and set them on my table.

"Thank you, Scott" ,I whispered.

He nodded his head and replied with, "No problem, ma'am. I also needed to inform you that there are investors waiting in the conference room for you."

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