68. The Bump

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Rose's POV🌴:

We waited on the results for what seemed like an eternity but in reality, it was only two minutes.

Nikki grabbed me and walked us out of the bathroom.

"You need to relax" ,she stated.

She led me into the kitchen and got me a bowl of ice cream. I couldn't contain my thoughts, all kinds of things were running through my head.

I don't know what I would do if I was pregnant. I don't know the first thing about children and honestly, I was scared to see how Adonis would react to the news.

Would he even want to raise a baby with me so soon?

"Hey, relax. We haven't even read the results, you don't know for sure if you're pregnant. I can tell that those gears are shifting in your head and coming up with the most ridiculous problems" ,she mumbles seriously. She knows me so well. "Do you think the results came up yet?" ,I questioned.

"I'm going to look" ,I said finally.

I shot up from my seat and went into the bathroom. I took a deep breath and looked at the results.

I wasn't pregnant.

I sat on the toilet and I sighed.

Why was I even disappointed?

This was great news because I didn't have to be tied down with a baby all day and I could be free.

I raked my fingers through my hair as if it would convince me that I was ecstatic about not being pregnant.

Soon after, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in" ,I yelped.

"What does it say?" ,Nikki questions peeping her head through the door.

"I'm not pregnant" ,I whisper while showing her the stick.

"That's great news, right?" ,she beckons in an unsure tone. "Yeah, I guess so" ,I retort back. Just then my phone goes off and I snap out of my sad state.

It was a message from Adonis.

"Where are you?" ~ Adonis. I ignored the message and averted my eyes back to my best friend.

"You should head home, it is getting pretty late" ,she states softly. Nikki comes into the bathroom fully and brings me into her arms. She soothes me a bit and then says, "I can tell you were hoping to be pregnant." I sigh and reply with, "No, I wasn't." She chuckles softly and whispers, "Are you really going to try to lie to me right now? I know you like the back of my hand. I understand how you feel and I think you should talk to Adonis about it. See if he wants to have a baby with you and you guys can try it out for real."

I ignore her suggestion and say, "Good night, Nikki. I'll talk to you in the morning."

I throw away the pregnancy tests on the way out and I get in my car. I sit there for a moment as I put my head on the steering wheel. I let the tears, that I have been holding, fall steadily down my face.

I don't why, but some part of me was hoping to be pregnant.

Maybe I'm just talking crazy.

I composed myself after a few minutes and wiped away my dried up tears.

I started the car and then I was off.

I stepped into the house as quietly as possible because I'm pretty sure that Adonis was asleep. I got into the bedroom and as predicted he was asleep. I stripped off my clothes and decided to get into the shower. I let the water beat down onto my back, reverberating through the room.

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