Maybe Later

672 49 57

(Mitch's POV)

3,420 Dollars

Um. Okay

I tried my best to justify the price, I mean its just rings. What are they do expensive. 

Whatever, its worth it. Right?

I placed the order with a smile on my face but also a bit of fear. What if he says no...

-One Week Later-

I heard the doorbell ring. I tried to rush down stairs but by the time i got down, Scott had the box in his hands. Dammit! 

"Mitchy, you got a package. From Cartier" 

"Oh, must be the sunglasses I ordered" Yeah... sunglasses. Could sunglasses even fit in that tiny box? 

"I wanna see!" Scott said excitedly.


"Um. Maybe later" I quickly grabbed the box out of his hands and ran upstairs.

That was close. 

What if he knows?! 

No, it was supposed to be a surprise. 

A knock on my door brought me out of my thoughts and scared me. Yeah, I screamed.

Not like that sorority girl in that horror movie, that was a loud scream. Mine was like a oh shit scream. 

Scott walked into the room. If he asks about the damn box..

"Sorry, I was gonna go get lunch. Do you want anything?" Phew. 

"Where are you going?"

"Chipotle, probably" 

I told him my order and he left the house. 

Perfect time to unpack these rings!

I got two. One for him, one for me. It'll be like were married. 

Mine was a pink gold love ring. Its beautiful. 

His was a white gold, I hope he loves it

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His was a white gold, I hope he loves it. 

The question is, when am I going to give them to him? He gave me mine over dinner but I don't wanna copy him

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The question is, when am I going to give them to him? He gave me mine over dinner but I don't wanna copy him. 

Ugh, why is this so difficult. 

I heard the front door open so I quickly hid the rings and ran down stairs to get my food. 


Hey beauties! 

How are all of you?

Im sorry for y'all having to wait a little.. Ive been having writers block and I still have it so I had to force this chapter so I apologize 😂

Kirstin has been releasing the teasers for her songs and I love them 😍


Can my bio be "Kirstin Taylor Maldonado Liked Liked x2" That'll be it. Nothing about me, just that. 

I HAVE A QUESTION!!!! Where do you think Mitch should give the ring to Scott? Be creative!! 

Love you all and I hop you have a good day/ night x 


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