World Tour

611 48 15

(Mitch's POV)

Reading the comments on our video was heartwarming. Many were concerned of where we had been but they were glad we were back.

Scott and I sat on the bed with the laptop in my lap as we scrolled through comments.

So many comments said things along the line of 'Scömìche is back' if only they knew.

One day we'd make our relationship public because hiding relationships suck. You can't even hold hands in public. I guess it'd be easier for us because always acted like a couple, even when we weren't together.

Scotts phone rang loudly causing me to jump at the unexpected noise. Scott chuckled as he turned to grab his phone.

"Hello" Scott answered. He leaned his back against the head board of the bed. His right hand holding the phone to his ear as his left hand lied on his shirtless stomach.

"Really! That's great!" Scott sounded so excited. Wonder what it is. "Yeah, I'll tell him. This is great!" Scott hung up with a huge smile on his face.

He turned to me and seemed really excited. "Guess what, guess what!!!"


"That was Esther, she said she was able to set up another tour. A world tour!"

I gasped. "That's amazing!" It hadn't been that long since we'd been on tour but we didn't get to go to a lot of places and this time we got to go all around the world!

We'd get to see the world as a couple. Could this day get any better.

"Do you know dates?"

"Yeah, your will start mid of next month." It was already the end of the current month. W elite rally had half a month till tour. We gotta get ready.

"Wow. So soon. Can't wait!" I clapped my hands and squealed. Scott chuckled and my actions.


We'd been lying around all day, cuddling while we were both on our phones. A thought pooped in my head and I had to know. "Hey Scott?"

"Hm?" He hummed.

"What songs are we gonna sing on tour?"

"We'll have a meeting tomorrow afternoon and we will discuss all of that."

"I wanna sing Can't Help Falling In Love!" I clung onto him, starring into his eyes.

"Why baby?"

"Cause it's how I asked you out and because I love you" I leaned up and kissed him.

"I love you too, baby"


Thanks for all the sweet birthday messages ❤️

Sorry this is so short

Loveeeee youuuuuu, byyeeee x


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