13 Reasons Why..

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Hey girasoles🌻. I've been too busy with class and softball to update so I'm going to do a double update for you guys. :) Please listen to the music while reading, sets the mood

So about a month ago there was a post on Refinery29.com about a 23-year-old who copied the 13RW suicide and left behind tapes. I wasn't sure then and I'm still not sure if it's factual (smh, needa get it together). Anyways, here's my thoughts on the situation. The whole show, "13 Reasons Why," and the messaging behind it is damn near a trigger for suicidal people, heavily suicidal people. I, myself, was not triggered too much by it, it only made me think back on my life and see how I could be more optimistic because to actually have a visual representation of what suicide could to do a community, whether well-known or not, made me feel guilty for even wanting to.

Multiple people commented on the post saying how "suicide is selfish" and "the show is glorifying suicide" and quite frankly that's idiotic. The show was made to give people more of an understanding to say, you really don't know what people are going through and to people that are suicidal, there's somebody who will listen and that they aren't alone. 13 Reasons Why gave out multiple warnings about sensitive(triggering) content in specific episodes so if someone felt they couldn't handle the content, they could skip the episode but some chose not to. 

I, personally, don't think suicide is selfish because again, you never know what a person is really going through, whether mentally, physically, emotionally or spiritually. I can recall multiple occasions that I've wanted to kill myself. The most recent time would have to be two months ago (May 2017) because mentally and emotionally I couldn't bare going on. Yea, I can talk about it or joke about me trying to kill myself, but the fact that I don't care for living is just that. I don't care if I live or die. Suicide is sometimes the only way for some people to cope with their issues and it may seem selfish but they might not know anything else to do. 

You can be going through it all, feel like you've been through the worst and you can get tired of being strong. Being there for everybody else. Occasionally, I get so depressed that I just lay in my room on my floor and look at the wall thinking about everything  I've done wrong, could've done better or why I can't be happy 16/7. Not 24/7 because I sleep 8 hours. If I walk around when I'm depressed, I feel like the zombies you see on movies and t.v., not living and not exactly dead either. It happens to the best of us. It's how you cope with it that defines your character/person.

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 24-hours everyday. 1-800-273-8255. They also have a line for the hearing impaired 1-8000-799-4889.

Substance Abuse And Mental Health Services Administration is an easy and anonymous way to locate treatment facilities and other resources, such as support groups and counselors, to treat and manage depression. 1-800-662-HELP (4357).

The National Hopeline Network connects you with a depression treatment center in your area and also offers a live chat. 1-800-SUI-CIDE (784-2433)

Love you girasoles, if you need help please go and get it. My condolences to the family. <3

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