My Magnet (Part 2)

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The place filled with silence
Where I feel comfort and security
With you beside me
Walking into somewhere our feet will lead us
We talked just like the old times
We laughed like we have our own world
I still can't believe that you're now here with me, again
I'm now savoring a fleeting moment with you
Coz' its been a long time since we last talked
And nothing changed but my feelings growing
Just like a plant watered everyday
Can't explain the feeling with you
Can't notice that my cheeks are feeling warm
Until someone saw my blushing face
Oh am I starting to love you?
Is this what they call infatuation?
With you, I can't explain myself
My face lits up
And full of smile every time I see you
As I know you more, the more you drew me closer
I feel like I'm drowning into your system
And I'm afraid that I can't be helped
The more I look into your eyes
Your radiant smile
I have this urge to touch your face and tell you sweet whispers
But you're just a guy who's hard to reach
A guy who'll never appreciate me
And a guy who only see me as a game and a joke.

I just want to thank my "Magnet guy" for the experience yesterday 😂 I got inspired because of him. Also my best friends who were so proud of me that I wrote something better than the rest of my poems.

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