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Facing the mirror
Staring at my reflection
That was once a sad face
A face full of remorse

I remembered how I look
Like a zombie, dead inside out
Blank face with falling tears
Crying silently for a long time

How depressing I look like
Trying to pretend I'm happy
But dying when alone
Domino effect of tragedy I felt

But what I can see now
Is a happiness and contentment
Can't believe that the tragedy happened just few weeks ago
Feels like it was ages ago

I learned a lot from my mistakes
Embraced it, owning my past
Grateful for feeling it
Or I won't have what I've been dreaming

The Father Almighty never left me
Encountering people I don't expect to stay
Meeting someone who can love me for who I am
The joy in my heart is irreplaceable

From sobbing to laughter
From tears to smile
From sadness to happiness
From rejection to acceptance

You may feel hurt today
But you'll surely smile
Receive what you truly deserve
And everything will be alright

It's weird to write something like this haha. I am just feeling grateful, for the first time the ending is not a tragedy haha

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