My Last Straw

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No turning back

As days turn into weeks then into months
Our memories will forever haunt me down
Years that we spent together
Will forever be treasured

When I thought we can still be friends
But since the day we both end it all
Will never be the same again
And there's no way you'll ever be coming back

Dwelling on our happy memories
Will just make my agony longer
Hoping that our bond will never change
Starts to fade as if nothing happens

From this day on and on the following days
I'll start to forget how it feels to be with you
Even though it's one of the hardest things to do
To give myself what I deserve

The memories we had
Will never be forgotten
But will be hidden
Deep inside my heart
And you'll just be my previous chapter

If you started your life perfectly without me
Then I bet I can do the same
It will never be easy at the beginning
But I'll smile really wide in the end anyway

Gone is the happy face
But a frown can be replaced
Gone is the old man
But you can never be replaced

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