The Beginning

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Song:🎵🎶K.Will (Day 1)🎶🎵

Chapter 1

O N  A  R E G U L A R  D A Y  A T  S U G A  I N D U S T R Y

"Oh duck." Hoseok rolled his chair back looking at Taehyung. "What the fuck was that?" Taehyung looked at him. "Yoongi dared me to not to cuss for a week, or I'm fired." Hoseok laughed. "Well you better start looking for a new job then, and don't worry you can cuss in front of me." Taehyung rolled his eyes then focused his attention back to the computer.

"What are you doing anyways?" Taehyung ignored his question and continued working. "Fine, ignore me then." Hoseok pulled his chair back to his desk. After Hoseok stopped bothering Taehyung, he felt a hand on his shoulder. Taehyung turned around to a flushed Jimin with messy hair and swollen lips.

"What's up, Yoongi's property." Jimin pouted as Hoseok eyed him. "Yoongi wants you in the office." Jimin walked to the elevator and Taehyung followed. "Jimin has a nice ass. I swear I'm gonna have it someday." Hoseok said as he watched them walk away.

"Yoongi will kill you if he knows you have a crush on Jimin." Hoseok screamed when Junhui randomly appeared on his desk. "Where did you come from?" He just shrugged as a reply. "Don't you know? All the single guys have a crush on him, gay or not. Except for Taehyung and your married to Minghao." When Hoseok looked away slightly then looked at Junhui he was gone. "How the duck does he do that?" I scoffed. "Wow, thanks Taehyung."


"If your calling me for the dare I'm still clean." Yoongi shook his head as Taehyung put his bag on the sofa. "That's not what I called you over for." He motioned Jimin to sit on his lap as he carried on. "I want to promote you as CEO of SUGA Industry." Taehyung's eyes widened. "What?" He jumped up and down in excitement until he realized something.

"What's the catch?" Yoongi laughed and pulled Jimin to his chest. "You need a girlfriend or a boyfriend and I have the perfect website. It's how I found one of my boyfriends." Jimin gasped. "One of them?" They both laughed as Taehyung groaned. "Come on Taehyung, as your best friend I'm worried that in the future you'll be working so hard that when you die you won't have a significant other to mourn over you or to mourn over." Taehyung lowered his head.

"Please, just consider it." Jimin gave Taehyung a card and patted his shoulder. He then went back to Yoongi's lap. "Okay, I'll consider." Yoongi and Jimin smiled at him before he walked out of the room. Taehyung was halfway to the elevator until he realized he left his bag on the sofa.

He went back into Yoongi's office not surprised at all to see Yoongi making out with Jimin and thrusting into him. Yoongi looked at Taehyung as Jimin blushed. "S-stop. It's embarrassing." Yoongi ignored Jimin's words then smiled.

"Are you taking up my offer?" Taehyung shook his head. "I left my bag." Yoongi nodded while still ducking Jimin. Taehyung went out the room and Jimin hit Yoongi's chest repeatedly. "Why a-are you still g-going?" Yoongi kissed his forehead. "Because you have a nice ass and your face is making me horny."


Welcome to my stories.

Word Count: 571

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