The Stupid Cupid

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Song:🎶🎵Red Velvet (Stupid Cupid)🎵🎶

Chapter 3

E A S T E R N  P A R K

I looked around for someone in a gray sweater and ripped black jeans, since that's what Jungkook said he was wearing to our 'meeting'. I saw a few people with similar outfits but none if them were exactly the same and not very attractive. And I'm pretty sure that cupids are attractive. I noticed a guy looking around clueless and damn he is hot. I tried to sit in a cool position as I saw him nearing. I looked at his outfit and my eyes widened.

Is that...?

No! I didn't think he would be that hot. How am I suppose to focus on getting a girlfriend when I can only focus on his jet black eyes and freakin' amazing jawline as his soft hair is being blown back by the wind. Well, that last part was just my imagination but you know what I mean.

His eyes landed on mine and I waved. He smiled then ran to me. Even his smile is jaw dropping. My eyes traveled to his untied shoelaces. I was going to warn him but as my mouth opened  his smile quickly fades as he falls on the grass. I went up to him and helped him up. "At least it wasn't the concrete." He said as he wiped himself off.

"You are Kim Taehyung, right?" I nodded and he held out his hand for me to shake. I shook his hand then he smiled again. "I as your cupid, will find you the perfect person." He said while giggling. "You are the perfect person to me." I mumbled under my breath. "What was that?" I shook my head and he shrugged it off.

He opened a small book which looked to be a notepad. "What's that?" He turned it around and smiled. "It's the matching book. In the right square it shows the person that is chosen to be your partner. You can go on dates to see your compatibility results. Oh, and that's Joy, she's a avatar made of love and finds your matches." She waved and I smiled. "Cool. So when do we begin?"


"What?" He had a look of confusion on his face as he looked at the matching book. "Is there something wrong?" He shook his head. "We just found the person faster than I thought." He pointed to a gorgeous looking guy. I turned Jungkook towards me and he was startled. "How do I look?" He looked at me for a while. We began to stare at each other for a bit too long and I leaned in.

He closed his eyes then after three seconds opened them again. When I was a few inches away from him he panicked. "G-g-g-g-great! You look great, gorgeous, hot, and handsome." I smirked and kissed his forehead. "Thanks." I sent him a wink before going towards the guy.

Jeon Jungkook

I was left startled and scared. Why did I do that? I saw him rush towards the boy and bit my lip. I looked at the first page of Joy and sighed. The matching books name is Joy and yes she can speak and she has a face.

"Well this is something different. It usually gives you a hint but not just straight up shows your face." Joy said pointing to my face in the right square. "But how? This is impossible." I bit my lip and looked at Taehyung once again. "Actually, no it's not. This is how many of your fellow cupids found their husband or wife. But you didn't have to lie to him like that. What if you made him go to a weirdo?"

I shook my head. "But... I couldn't just tell him 'oh, I'm your soulmate marry me and-" "You like him don't you?" I bit my lip and nodded. "Well it's not my fault this really good looking guy ordered me." She squealed. "You know what that is? Destiny." I blushed and she cupped her cheeks. "And I'm pretty sure by the way he looks at you he likes you too."

I just smiled as she rambled on about random stuff. "I wonder what the ship name should be... kooktae... What about kookhyung, wait that would be weird... Kookie hyung!...*dies of laughter*... Taekook...TAEKOOK!!!" I frowned as I realized something. "What if he rejects me?" She stopped twirling and cheering. A look of sadness spread across both our faces. "O-oh, he's coming." I closed Joy.

"So, how did it go?" I asked trying to regain my cheerfulness. "It went great... Is there something wrong?" I shook my head quickly. A little too quickly. "There is something wrong. Did I do something?" I sighed. "You did nothing wrong!" He backed up a bit. "But you're yelling." Why is he looking at me like that? "We're done for today. I'll see you tomorrow." I walked away and inwardly facepalmed.

Great. Now he thinks you hate him.


I suck at ending chapters.

Word Count: 855

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