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Once I had slipped the note into her pocket, I immediately regretted it. I HAD JUST MET HER 5 MINUTES AGO!! my instincts screamed. I decided to bury them and not let them come up again. I hated myseld for doing that now. I only knew her, no saw her for 5 minutes. As I was walking home, I heard a loud CRASH.

Curious and scared, I slowly started to gather a crowd around the car. I wonder who the driver is, I asked myself. As I decided to take another peek, I looked at the driver. And realized it was the drop dead gorgeous girl from the beach. And another shocking thing. She was holding MY note in her hand.

I was shocked. How could this have happened? Then I pictured everything in my brain. Her driving, reading my note at the same time, and BANG, two cars collided into each other.

Blood was trickling down from a wound from her hand. I froze for a minute, not knowing what to do. Then I let my instincts rise to the surface, and they told me to fetch her to the hospital.

Gently, I lifted her up in my arms, and cradled her like a baby. Then I ran. Snap. Crunch. Twigs were snapping all around me. I started to think, where was her boyfriend? Then I realized he probably went home and forgot about her. Anger surged in me. No kind of boyfriend should act like that.

As I was only a few more meters from the hospital, I realized that she had started to breathe. THANK GOD!!! But she was still unconscious. As I rushed through the doors, I rushed her to the medical bay.

"Help, HELP, PLEASE, THIS LADY IS INJURED. PLEASE HELP HER!" Immediately, two nurses rolled a stretcher over to her.

"Thank you so much. Please help her stay alive and recover soon." I said gratefully. The nurses unfortunately still had some questions for me. "What's her name, and your name?"

Ok, well that I DEFINITELY did not know. "I'm sorry, but I don't really know her name. My name is Alfie Deyes." The nurses said a quick thank you and started to roll her away on the big stretcher, she look,ed like a tiny doll on the stretcher.. I quickly made a decision. "Um, nurses? Is it ok if you don't tell her that it was me who bought her in?"

The nurses just smiled cheekily and said they won't, but deep down, I knew the secret will have to spill soon.

ZALFIEWhere stories live. Discover now