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The last thing I could remember was the excruciating pain inside my whole body, shaking me from head to toe. It had such a heavy impact on me, I blacked out. That was the last thing I saw...

When I tried to open my eyes, the light was blinding. I started to think, am I in heaven? I tried to look around, but my eyes just couldn't adjust to the light properly. Am I blind?

Finally, my eyes adjusted to the luminous light. I was starting to feel very nauseous, and dizzy. As quick as I could, I tried to get out of the bed I was in, but I was stuck. I couldn't take it anymore, and threw up on myself. I thought it was so disgusting I puked some more until it stopped.

I became so dizzy I almost fainted again. I tried to stay conscious, fighting to keep my eyes open, the pain agonizing me from head to toe. My eyelids were starting to flutter, giving up the fight, and I blacked out.

The room was spinning around me. I was so confused, but at least I could see. Then all of a sudden, I'm back to the beach, with Mark, having our picnic. Suddenly, time freezes. The only thing moving is me. I hear movement behind me, and I realize it's that strange man from the beach.

I might have the foggiest memory, but I could remember. Before I got hit. The faintest memory my brain strained to remember. Before I got hit. Then I remember. I was reading the man's letter. Ralph? No, no that can't be it. Alpha? Still not. Wait. I push my brain to the the challenge to try and remember. Alfie? YES! Finally I remember.

I'm still at the beach, and I can't help staring at 'Alfie'. Me and him were the only ones moving, and somehow, I felt it was destiny. I couldn't help feeling that I was betraying Mark, but he was still behind me, as still as a statue. Just to be sure, I take a peep behind my shoulder, and I confirm my suspicions.

Then I turn back, and look at Alfie again. He removes his shades, and suddenly I realize how gorgeous he is. His warm, hazel eyes twinkle like the stars, and his nose is so small and perfect. And his grin, oh I couldn't even describe it, it was so cute.

Snapping out of my daydream, I suddenly feel the urge to walk towards him. He does too. We walk so close to each other, that our noses touch. Our lips our seconds apart. He lunges in and I do too. I just had the sudden urge. And his soft lips delicately touch mine. It was perfect.

We break apart after a few seconds, but it really felt like minutes. He looked at me and smiled. "How was that?"

I returned the smile. "Perfect."

Suddenly, we hear the ocean beginning to roar. I don't know what to say. I slip my hand into his, and we run. We run so fast it was like time never passed, but the tsunami was catching on. All I could think about was Alfie. My hands started to get sweaty, and the wave was gathering speed.

It was almost onto me now. My hand and his hand were barely touching. I screamed. "LET GO OF ME ALFIE!!!"

He didn't. He ran up to me, and cuddled me in his arm. The wave crashed onto us, and suddenly I couldn't breathe. My lungs were filled with water. I tried to scream, but I couldn't. I was drowning so fast, I was almost to the bottom of the sea. Down, down. All I could scream was, "ALFIE!!!"

Them I woke up.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2017 ⏰

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