Story 1!Revenge part 1

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 a/n: WARNING!!This is very cliche!This is a hunter and werewolf book!


She's been abused.

She's been hurt.

She's been raped.

She wants revenge.

She always get's what she wants.

But then He comes along.

And it changes Everything.


Sounds cool right? Anyway let's get to the story shall we?

I sit hunched over the body feasting on his blood. It's tastes amazing he must have been an alpha before he turned into a rouge. A snap brings my attention to the left of me. A figure steps out of the shadows. It's a man from the power radiating off of him I can tell he's a beta. Disgusting mutt.

"Who are you and what are you doing on our territory?" The man asks in a harsh tone. I stare at him for a few moments before cracking up. It starts with a simple giggle but soon turns into laughing.

We must look interesting a 14 year old laughing like a maniac with a grown man looking at her with wide eyes. I continue to laugh as he looks at me. After a moment my laughter calms downs.

"Well hello there Beta James!" I say fake happiness radiating off me.One glance at me and you can tell it's all fake. "It's been awhile hasn't it? Miss me?" 

I walk towards him with a sadistic smile on my face. I see his eyes glaze over. He's calling for back up! I think angerly. My 'happiness' is soon replaced by anger and by looks of it he knows I'm angry.

My claws come out as I lunge at him. His eyes are still glazed over so he doesn't notice me lunge at him. I claw his throat  then his chest making him fall over and scream in pain. I keep clawing even when he's dead.

When I eventually stop clawing him he's lying in a river of his own blood.I bend over and lick some of his blood off his chest but immediately spit it out because of it's bitter taste.

"yuck" I say to myself. Just as I go to get up I hear a howl of pain.  "I need to go" I run in the opposite direction.When I'm far enough away I hide in a tall tree with plenty of leaves so they can't find me.

I wake up to the tree shaking beneath me. I look down to see a wolf climbing up the tree at an alarming pace. That wasn't the scary part though. The scary part is that there was a wolf on the ground that smelled so intoxicating.

No,no,no,no,no,no! This can't be happening!I can't have a mate! 

I jumped out of the tree and to the next. I swung from tree to tree trying to get away from them. When I finally got a good distance I started walking on the ground instead of going from tree to tree.

That was four years ago. When I killed any werewolf I saw. But I've met some packs that are nice so now I only kill bad wolves.

I'm currently sitting in a tree looking for rouges. I spot a rouge near the silver blood territory.

I aim my bow and shoot. I watch as the silver tip slices through the air and lands right on my imaginary mark.


Okay so I'm sorry this is short but I have lots of other ideas so I think I'm going to go like this

story one part 1

story two part 1

story three part 1

so on and so on then

story one part 2 

so on and so fourth anyway if you don't get it it's fine I'll just keep updating then you'll get it anyway I gtg bye!!!

Q:What's your favorite color?

A: black or blood red

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