story 2!Creepypasta!!

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yup you read that right I'm doing a story on the creepypasta's!!well technically this is a fanfiction but whatever.

GUYS!!! Okay there is one on there it's Lui and he goes "Novody likes me everybody hates me why can't I find anyone to date me? They must all be fucking crazy I thing I am so amazing" SOMEONE!!!Tell e where that's from!! I'm trying to find it and I can't!!

Anyway this will have a COUPLE ships. You see what I did there?? eh eh! Yeah I'll work on a summery later right now I want to write!! Oh and the 'main character' is an OC but this is not for shipping people with her!! Just the creepypasta's And maybe just maybe another OC and Toby.


I sat it the dark room listening to his breathing. He doesn't realize I know he's there. Proxy or not he still has to breath. And he's pretty loud.

I have my favorite weapon on the bed next to me. He's been in there for 7 hours 23 minutes and 17 seconds. 18...19...20.

1 minute till he comes out. Funny how I know his plans better than him.

10 seconds left. I grab the knife from next to me and point it across the room. Towards my closet.It's time. "Oh Toby you can come out now!" I call out.

Even though I can't see him I know I took him by surprise. He stopped breathing.

"Come on Toby no need to be shy you're already a minute late" I taunted.

"H-how did you...?" Toby trails off exiting the closet.

He is wearing a pair of orange tinted goggles on his head and a stripped mask over his mouth. His clothes consist of a jacket with striped sleeves and black pants. His hair a light brown and his eyes a golden color.

I wiggled my knife at him, "No no Toby, I'm asking the questions here." I say with a smirk. I study his face for a minute. "hmmm... There is one thing they were wrong about. Your nose is crooked I'd say you broke it... Three times? No, no only two"

His eyes widen in surprise. "w-wha-!" I cut him off

"Shh! You're going to wake up Cookie!And if she doesn't like you, well she knows how to fuck someone up. Proxy or not. Now before you say anything yes I do realize you can't feel pain but you won't be able to see if you wake her up. You might end up like Jack."

He twitched.

I heard an annoyed meow come from outside my door. I sigh and say "Come in Cookie."

Toy looks at me in confusion. Cookie,my cat, walks in. Toby grew from confused to amused in 4.6 seconds.

"Cookie's a cat?" He laughs " No way! She can't do anything to me!" he yelled. Cookie walks up to Toby and... Rubs against him.

"she's taken a liking to you your lucky, you did wake her up. And insult her," I tell him. He looks at Cookie then at me. "Cookie would you like to show him your another form?" She meow's in response.

In 8 and a half seconds Cookie turns from a cat to a vicious cat like animal. She has fangs that end in a point sharp enough to rip someone's flesh apart. Her fur a vibrant red and orange that looks like flames when she runs.

And her eye's (My favorite part of this form) were red and purple. Purple on the outer edge and red on the inside.

Toby now looks like he'll shit himself.

 He twitches again. "Calm down she's still the same cat" I say waking up to Cookie and patting her head. He snapped out of whatever trance he was in and started talking,

"Now I came here for something and I'm going to get it."

"If you want my stuff you might have a bit of trouble"

"Not your stuff but something of far more value"

"Oh? And what might that be?" I question.

"You, oh and that...Cat thing"

"She's a shape shifter but she can only turn into cat like animals"

"Oh" He pauses " It doesn't matter your coming with us!" He states.

"Us? I don't hear any other breathing." Just as I say that a figure comes crawling out of my laptop. "Well damn I forgot to shut my laptop. Oh and hey Ben."

Toby twitches once again.

When Ben get's out of my laptop fully (It took him 2 minutes and 15 seconds) He looks up at me, then my knife. Oh yeah almost forgot about that.

I push Ben up against the wall at an inhuman speed.

"Alright if you want me you have to do something for me." I say looking Ben in the eyes.

"You shouldn't have done that..." Ben says creepily. He looks a bit...different than I thought he would. His eyes are red surrounded by black and there's black ooze and blood dripping from them. His lips. They're bigger than I though they'd be.hmm...interesting.

He has a green hat that looks similar to link's but a tad bit darker.  His hair an almost bleached color. His ears are long and come to a point. And he has dark green clothes on specked with blood here and there. And his skin inhumanly pale almost like a ghost

I want to test something.

I lean in next to his ear "Oh and why not Ben?" I whisper sexily(If that makes any sense)

Just as I suspected. Nothing happened. I smirk.

I take my knife and drag it up his stomach to his cheek. I press it against the hollows of his cheeks. I added pressure till a tiny bit of blood oozed out of his cheek.

The red substance trickled down his cheek to chin. It shimmers in the moon light. I take my finger and swipe up some blood.

Slowly I lick it off my finger. Hmmm... I take a swipe of the blood coming from his eyes. Yes, just as I thought it's his blood.

Ben now looks thoroughly creeped out like...I don't know. Like I was touching him. Which I wasn't only tasting his blood.

My door starts to creek open. I step away from Ben taking the collar of his shirt between my fingers and rush over to Toby.

"Come on let's go!" I whisper yell.

As the boys are climbing out my window the lights switch on. Boss is in the doorway. I take the closest weapon (which is a pair of scissors) and throw it at him before grabbing a couple other weapons and jumping out the window.

Outside the boy's are waiting for me. They just stare at me.

"Are we going or what?" I ask. Then it hits me they're looking at the window. Cookie is about to jump out of the window when Boss takes one of MY knifes and stabs her shoulder.

That little fucker! I think to myself. I quickly climb back up and through the window to find Boss over Cookie's body. Unconscious but still alive. As he goes to gab my knife into Cookie I grab a lamp of my desk and smash it into his skull. he almost instantly falls back, blood rushing out of his head.

"Little fucker" I whisper.

I take cookie's body as it shifts back into a cat. She tends to do that when she falls unconscious or goes to sleep. I climb out the window for the second time in the past thirty minutes.

The boys are still waiting there this time looking at me not the window.

"Okay let's go" They nod and head northwest towards the woods.

And the walk to get to their house begins.


How'd you like it!! I personally think it's great and I know what I want to do with part of it so I should update it more often and it's a fanfiction so I probably will update it faster 'cause I love fanfiction and this one even has my ships in it!! 'Cause I always pick the ships that no on else likes!!! KanatoXYui!!!

Anyway that's it BYE!!!

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