Chapter 1

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Hikaru Pov

Today the host club had an encounter with a commoner named Haruhi Fujioka. The boss as per usual played his role as the prince thus making the commoner uncomfortable. The boss, like usual, didn't think anything through and he scared the crap outta him which caused him to break a very expensive item. The boss made him our errand boy of course so he can pay off his debt. There's no way this guys gonna be able to survive this punishment. "There's no way you're going to attract girls with that getup" the boss says to the dog. I walk up to the commoner to inspect him further "maybe if you take off his glasses it would help-" I couldn't believe what I saw when I removed his glasses neither could Kaoru or the boss. "Hikaru, Kaoru" "got it" my twin and I say as we grab Haruhi and drag him to the dressing room. "Here put this on" "wha-" says the dog. Damn he's annoying. "Don't ask questions!" I say along with my twin. Before I knew it he had kicked us out. I looked at my brother to seek his opinion. Well, I guess I kinda like that bastard. After waiting for what seemed like forever, he finally came out of the dressing room. He looks like a girl! What am I feeling right now. I feel funny, HIKARU STOP IT YOURE NOT GAY! Before I knew it he became our new host.

Kaoru and I were playing our role as loving brothers and I could help but notice the commoner cringing. I guess it's weird to see brothers engaging in such intimate actions at first. When Haruhi gets his first clients Kaoru and I Became very interested in watching him. He's surprisingly good with the ladies.

When Kaoru and I were about to go to bed, Kaoru gave me the strangest look. "What?" "Hikaru, you seem off, what's bugging you?" Says Kaoru. "It's that commoner, he's very interesting."

When I get to the music room I notice that both Tamaki and Haruhi are late. When they arrive, I notice that Tamakis princess requested Haruhi. I watch them when suddenly Haruhi is on top of the princess. Kaoru and I grab tea and dump it on her, knowing this was staged. "This is the only spare uniform we've got but it's better than a wet one." Says Kyoya. "Thanks." The new host goes to change and the boss grabs him some towels. I notice the boss freaking out and we realized why. Haruhi comes out in a dress and suddenly I feel uncomfortable, almost nervous. She's so freaking cute."

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