Chapter 2

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A/N..... the rest of this story takes place after the last episode of season 1. Also did you fucking hear that season 2 is coming out in fucking October?! All of this story is narrated by Hikaru unless said otherwise.

"Hikaru, I know how you feel about Haruhi. I know you love her. You need to tell her before She falls for Tono." Says Kaoru. "I-i can't do it Kaoru... what do I do if she rejects me? I'd rather keep it inside than get my heart crushed... I love her too much..." "I see the way she looks at you Hikaru... I know she has feelings for you."

"Hikaru Haruhi is going to sleep over tonight!" "W-what?!" Kaoru looked at me and winked. "Kaoru what are you planning? You better not do anything drastic or I swear I'll never let you sleep in my room agai-" I was interrupted by the doorbell. "Hey guys!" Says Haruhi "Hey Haruhi!" I say blushing.

My Pov

After hours of video games, it was time for bed. There was 2 rooms in the house, their mother and fathers room, and their room. "Hikaru I'll sleep on the couch in the living room, you sleep on the couch in our room." "B-but Haruhi's sleeping in our room." "I know." Kaoru says winking at me. Hikaru woke up in the middle of the night after having a dream about Haruhi. He looked over at her and she was sleeping peacefully. Suddenly Haruhi moved in her sleep and her blanket fell off exposing her in her underwear. Hikaru's face immediately turned red. He got up and grabbed her blanket to cover her back up and found himself staring at her. She's so.... amazing.... I wish I could just touch her.... suddenly Haruhi woke up. "Haruhi, i-i was just co-covering you back up I-" Hikaru was interrupted by a pair of soft lips pairing with his own. Hikaru kissed back and separated from her. "Haruhi. I.... I love you...." "I love you too...." said Haruhi. Hikaru got into bed and wrapped his arms around Haruhi. "Will you b-be my girlfriend?" " Hikaru.... I want to, but I need to act as a boy...." Haruhi said with a sad tone. "I'm bisexual Haruhi.... I don't mind calling you my boyfriend." He said with a smile. Haruhi smiled back and planted a small kiss on Hikaru's lips. "Then I'd be glad to be with you Hika...." they both closed their eyes and shortly after, the new couple found themselves sleeping in each other's arms.

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