Chapter Three

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It had been a couple weeks since I had my debut at Ring of Honor and to say I was a 'baby face' was a complete understatement. As much as I loved wrestling and somewhat enjoyed being a 'good guy', I felt that I was better as a 'heel.' I sighed, as I was sitting between the Bucks and across from Adam. Picking at my small plate of grilled chicken cheesy potatoes; Matt was suggesting ways for the three of them to cause some chaos tonight. I continuously ignored the concern-filled glances Adam was giving me, when I did catch his gaze though I would give a slight nod. I hoped that would hold off on his questions until we got to the hotel after the show. I stayed silent my mind drifting off as I figured the chaos would be during Kyle and I's segment. I huffed, shaking my head. "What's up with Adds?" Nick asked, picking up on my quietness and lack of touching my food. I shrugged, "Just not feeling like wrapping myself around O'Reilly tonight." I sighed. Matt nodded, bumping his shoulder into mine, "You'll be great." He grinned goofily. I laughed softly at his goofy face and shook my head. "I know, it's just like I didn't sign here to be arm candy. I signed for what I am, a wrestler." I explained. "I just wish they'd put me in another match singles action or not. I'm tired of walking around ringside in heels and skimpy little outfits." I huffed out. "I happen to enjoy those skimpy little outfits." Adam smirked at me, a wink quickly following. I blushed softly, rolling my eyes at him.

"Of goddamn course you enjoy it, Cole. Basically heart eyeing her and drooling all the time." Nick huffed out with knowing smirk etched on his face. My eyes snapped up just in time to see Adam's face flush and I sucked in bottom lip. "Well, who wouldn't?" We heard from behind us as a muscular arm slung itself over my shoulders. I forced on a smile, before looking up to the green hazel eyes of Kyle O'Reilly. "He's got a fair point." Matt quickly added. Adam rolled his eyes, perfectly sculpted arms folding over his pecs, resulting in the muscles in his biceps tensing and releasing, which caused me to subconsciously suck my bottom lip between my teeth at the sight of Adam. I subtly shook the thoughts from my head as I leaned my head against Kyle's arm. "Did you need something O'Reilly? Or did you just come to ruin lunch?" Adam started, anger dripping from his voice. Kyle only chuckled, shaking his head. "Just came for my girl, pretty boy." He quipped, fighting my instinct to punch both men square in the jaw for being so petty about things but I decided to just grab my plate of food and nodded cordially at everyone before exiting catering with Kyle slinking himself around me.

He always had to have a hand on me, whether he was holding my hand or waist, or if he really wanted to make it even worse when cameras were on there were "accidental" ass grabs. I wasn't complaining though, Kyle was undeniably attractive. Anybody would be lucky to have him "accidentally" grab their ass. Kyle and I made the short journey to our shockingly private dressing room. "So any ideas for tonight?" I inquired as I plopped down on the bench as he shut and locked the door. Tonight Kyle had a match against Jay Lethal. The higher ups had decided to throw random opponents Kyle and I's way to fill up time before the inevitable and mega-rematch for the championship with Kyle and Adam. Kyle shrugged, "There really aren't any. We go out and get cheered, be affectionate, match begins, I win, more affectionate crap, doll face." Kyle explained as he slipped his shirt over his head. I nodded, going back to munching on my food as Kyle stretched out and began getting ready for his match.

About an hour into the show, I had decided to finally stretch out and touch up my make up. I was wearing leather shorts that barely covered my ass, fishnets underneath along with a matching bra that had straps along the front criss-crossing over my boobs drawing attention to them. Kyle had picked out a cropped shirt for me to wear, as he tossed it to me as we headed to the curtain, quickly pulling it on as I looked down it was his shirt and I glanced up at him questioningly. "That's original." I remarked, as laced my hand with his, nudging myself into his side. My head resting against his rib cage. Kyle's music hit and we made our entrance.

I let go of Kyle only for him to flip in to the ring, Jay Lethal quickly exiting to the other side of the ring, leaning against the barrier. I grinned up at Kyle, as he pulled the ropes down for me, I as delicately as I could mustered climbed in and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him towards me for our kiss. The cold gold of the championship pressing into my stomach as I leaned further into him. Kyle's muscular arms, slinking around my waist, raising me up a little bit as one of his large hands traveled to my ass, squeezing roughly as the crowd went wild. I rolled my eyes at the reaction of us just kissing. Ugh, I thought as I pulled away from Kyle and walked around him to the turnbuckle as I climbed up and sat down, crossing my legs. The crowd still cheering for Kyle and I as the ring had a consistent flow of streamers thrown in at us, I grinned and reached out for Kyle grasping his shoulders and pulling him back towards me. I wrapped my arms around his neck so my hands fell to his chest and I leaned my head against his after I pressed a small kiss to his cheek. A small smile breaking out on my face as they announced the match. "And your world champion, Kyle O'Reilly!" The announcer yelled, one of Kyle's hands holding up his championship over our heads; the other cupping my cheek as he pulled me in for another overly passionate kiss. The crowd yet again erupting in cheers. I pulled away from Kyle with sigh and smile, before climbing out of the ring as he passed me his championship. I quickly placed it on the commentator's table.

I made my way into Kyle's corner as they rang the bell and Kyle's attack on Jay began. I loudly cheered him on, smacking my hands against the apron, making as much noise as I possibly could. Kyle went to chop Jay who was leaned up against the turnbuckle; he moved at the last possible second causing Kyle to whack his hand against the turnbuckle. He quickly grasped his pain as he groaned out in pain, Jay stumbled over to the other side of the ring to catch a breath as Kyle rolled out of the ring as we made our way over to each other. I quickly grabbed his arm, rubbing it gingerly and pressed my lips against the large bruise that was forming on his arm. Kyle smiled softly at me. "I need to regroup." He whispered in my ear, I nodded slightly. "I got it." I smiled. The ref had begun counting out Kyle as I climbed up on the apron directly in front of him.

"You need to give him a minute! Didn't you just see what happened, Ref?!" I yelled in his face, gesturing towards Kyle and then back towards the turnbuckle. "He needs to get back in here!" He yelled back, I rolled my eyes. "No!" I yelled as I pulled my fist back like I was going to strike him just as Kyle climbed back in the ring behind Jay. I jumped down, holding my hands up in defense just as Kyle with one swift kick to Lethal's temple, knocking him out cold. He quickly got the pin. I cheered as loud as my voice would go without killing myself I jumped up on the apron climbing inside with Kyle's belt clutched to my chest as I handed it to him as I pressed my lips to his sweaty cheek.

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