Chapter Seven

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It had been a couple days since I broke my nose and I wasn't allowed to do anything for the time being. Adam hadn't let me out of his sight since, so if he was driving to the next city; I was in the passenger seat. I loved the amount of attention that Adam had given me, but I couldn't help but feel shitty about considering Adam had more than plenty of other things to worry about and take care of himself; he didn't need another. I huffed out as I sat next to Matt on his bed, we had decided to all get food together, but I didn't feel like leaving unless I absolutely needed to; and by that I mean when we had to leave later on tonight.

The boys talked back in forth of things coming up for them in ROH, I however was ignoring them and playing a game on my phone. "Time for the hot compress." Adam called as he padded in from the little kitchenette; I groaned rolling my eyes. "C'mon really?" I whined, looking up from my phone to see Adam about a foot from my face, warm, damp cloth in his hands. "Oh yeah, Munchie." Adam smirked, draping it over my nose and I narrowed my eyes at him. "You're mean and I don't like you anymore." I muttered, scooting away from him and onto the other side of Matt. "I'm just taking care of you, be quiet." Adam huffed, folding his arms over his chest.

I huffed, holding the warm cloth to my face; pout adorning my face as I shot a sideways glance towards Adam. He was playing on his phone and Matt had a dopey grin on his face as he looked between Adam and I. "What?" I asked, catching his gaze before I pulled out my phone. "You know what and you love it." Matt cooed, poking my sides and I squirmed away from him, my pout growing. "Shut up." I muttered, glaring at him; he only raised his eyebrow. "Not denying it are we?" Matt taunted and I groaned. "Not denying what?" Adam piped up, and I internally screamed. "Not denying the fact I'm hungry." I told him, a little too quickly. He raised an eyebrow at me suspiciously. "Well, the food is on the way here so." Nick informed us all and I nodded, discreetly elbowing Matt in his rib cage before I stood up and thumped into the little kitchenette. I took the cloth from my nose, wincing slightly at the lack of contact and warmth. I sighed softly, before rummaging through one of the small bags on the counter; I knew for a fact that the boys always had some sort of snack.

"Whatcha looking for?" I heard from behind, I looked over my shoulder and saw Nick. "Something small to eat before the food gets here." I shrugged, finally finding a small bag of chips. "You know he's gonna get upset if you took the cloth off your face to soon." Nick chuckled as he grabbed a water. I shrugged, "It's not a big deal if I didn't keep it on the whole ten minutes." I sighed, munching on the chips as I leaned against the counter opposite of Nick. He shook his head, "It is to him, Add." Nick sighed, before sipping his water. I looked at him confused, "What do you mean?" I asked, eyebrow raised. Nick visibly gulped, his Adam's apple bobbing. "It's just he cares about you, a lot." Nick explained and I rolled my eyes. "Well, duh, we're best friends." I laughed, and Nick smiled and nodded before I walked back into the other room climbing up onto the bed and nuzzling myself in between Adam and Matt.

Matt only shook his head as I picked up Adam's right arm and wrapped it around myself, as I snuggled further into his side. "What're you sucking up for?" Adam questioned, not looking down from his phone and I huffed. "I didn't directly do anything wrong.." I mumbled into his side, glancing up at him. "Also, why do you think I'm sucking up? Maybe I just wanted to snuggle with my favorite human." I expressed, with a dopey grin. "You always wanna snuggle with Adam cause you looove him." Matt taunted as he ruffled my hair and I whined, glaring at him. I wrapped both of my arms around Adam's stomach, burying my face in his side to hide the fact that I was blushing. "Awww!" Nick and Matt chorused, resulting in Adam and I both simultaneously flipped them off. "No need to hide Addy, everybody knows he loves it." Nick teased and I felt Adam's muscles tense and I groaned into him. "Whatever, shut up." Adam huffed, his grip on me tightening as he placed a kiss on the top of my head. "Awww! Look how cute, Nick!" Matt teased, and seconds later I heard pictures being snapped and huffed. I regretfully pulled my face from Adam's side, "You guys fucking suck." I muttered, giving them both death glares before leaning my head on Adam's side.

I Walk The Line - Adam ColeWhere stories live. Discover now