Chapter Five

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I woke up earlier than, Adam. He's brown hair splattered around his pillow, some of it draped over his scruffy face, and I giggled softly to myself. I graciously got out of bed, careful to not wake up the cutest sleeping man. I grabbed a pair of leggings, loose fitting tank top, a flannel and decent running sneakers. I changed as fast as possible, and quickly scribbled out a note for Adam, "Hey, I'm gonna go hike with Kyle today. Don't make plans for lunch or tonight doofus. We're hanging out. Love you." I smiled, placing it on the side table next to his side of the bed, kissing his cheek before I grabbed a water and my phone. I quickly texted Kyle and told him I was heading to the lobby, hopefully we could get something small for breakfast and then go hiking. "Hey, wanna grab food first?" I heard from behind me, I quickly turned seeing Kyle. "Yes please." I answered, and we fell into step together and made our way downtown to a little cafe.

"I have to be honest with you Addy, I didn't think you'd leave Adam's side today." Kyle chuckled as he sipped on his juice, I looked at my quizzically. "What do you mean? I spend all of my time with him. You realize if Adam and I could pee in the same bathroom we would? It's not like we had anything special planned." I shrugged, adding some sugar to my coffee. "We all just kind of assumed you guys were dating honestly. Like the minute you arrived." Kyle explained, I blushed. "Nah we're just really really good friends." I insisted, a small smile on my lips. "In all honesty though, Addy you're cool, but I just enjoy fucking with Cole." Kyle chuckled as our bagels arrived, I let out a huff of air. "So do you not wanna go hiking then? I can go back and play video games with him if all you wanna do is fuck with him." I quipped. "No! I wanna hang out with you, as friends." Kyle stated, I rolled my eyes. "That's all we are Kyle, unless it's in ring." I joked, as I started eating. The rest of breakfast was silent and most of our hike was silent as well.

After about an hour of hiking up a barely visible trail, we arrived at a clearing and you could clearly see the sky and how blue it was, I smiled the bright blue eyes reminding me of Adam. That little shit always finds a way to worm himself into my thoughts. I quickly pulled out my phone, opening up snapchat so I could take a few pictures. "Addy, let's take a couple selfies." Kyle suggested, from a little ahead of me, I nodded. "Yeah I can post them on my Snapchat." I grinned up at him. We took a few pictures each. "Do you mind if we start going back now?" I asked softly, checking the time on my phone, realizing it was almost lunch time. "Yeah, sure." Kyle smiled, he tried to sling his arm around me, I dodged it jogging ahead of him. I dialed Adam's number, praying to God he got over his attitude from last night.

"Hey Munchie." He yawned, I could hear how groggy he was, he had to have just woken up. "Hey Adam. Do you wanna get lunch? I'm on my way back." I offered, chewing on my bottom lip, as I followed the winding trail, my heart thumping faster more from anxiety than the intense hike. "As delightful as that sounds; the Bucks just came over and ordered sushi." Adam stated, I let out a sigh. "Okay, well do you wanna still do video games tonight?" I questioned, I looked up and saw Kyle walking next to me, scrolling through his phone. "I dunno, you'll probably be too busy up Kyle's ass." Adam sneered, and I groaned. "Adam seriously? Stop being an asshole." I whined, I heard him chuckle lowly. "I'm not being an asshole. I'm just making sure you're not too busy with your new best friend." Adam huffed. "Fuck you, Cole. We're playing video games when I get back, doofus." I huffed out with a laugh. "Yeah whatever, Munchie. I'm gonna kick your ass." Adam laughed, I shook my head and hung up, sliding my phone back into my pocket.

"Everything okay, sweetie?" Kyle questioned, I nodded. "Yeah, peachy." I told him, with a grin. "You're gonna hang out with him, aren't you?" He asked, I chewed on my lip with a nod. "You can come as long as you're nice to him." I told him, he laughed. I rolled my eyes, continued on the long journey. "I have to ask you something." Kyle muttered. I turned toward him, one of my eyebrows arched quizzically. "What's on ya mind Kyle?" I asked. "You'd do anything for him wouldn't you?" He asked, I swallowed hard. "Yeah I would." I stated, before turning on my heel and continuing on. "So how're you liking ROH?" Kyle asked, as we walked in slow steady space. I shrugged, "If I'm being completely honest I love working with you. However, I was signed to be a wrestler not your arm candy." I explained with a huge huff of air. "Bruh, I know. I can't force creative though. The crowd just automatically loved you, that's why they put you with this baby face." Kyle smirked as he pointed to himself. I rolled my eyes, shoving him playfully as he rounded a corner. "Yeah, sure Kyle. Whatever you tell yourself so you can sleep at night." I quipped. Kyle laughed as we continued towards the beginning of the trail. "You like it here though, right?" He asked for reassurance. I nodded, "Yeah. I love traveling and wrestling. I like it a lot more now that I can travel with my best friend." I shrugged. As much as Adam could annoy people when it came to traveling, the two of us had the most fun with it. Especially when he would go with me when he was on injury; some of our best memories were on those road trips. "You really love his company, huh?" Kyle joked, I shrugged. "He's just calming." I answered as we came to the front of trail. The rest of our walk to the hotel was silent after I stopped and got everyone a latte. I made sure I got Adam a cookie as well. "Whoa, Adam gets a cookie and latte?!" Kyle shouted, his hand crossed over his chest, with a gasp; faking being offended. I laughed, blushing a little. "He's my favorite, shut up." I groaned as I lead the way to Adam and I's room.

I quickly slid my key card through the thing, kicking the door open with my foot. "I got lattes!" I yelled, before placing them down on the small dining table before the Bucks swallowed me in bone crushing hugs. "Guys- it's been like 12 hours- can't breathe." I huffed out, hugging them both back. "Well, Adam has been a pouty, no fun, asshole all day." Matt whined, as he grabbed his drink along with Nick before they both climbed back on my bed. I rolled my eyes, tossing Adam's cookie to him. "Pouty because I had his girl all morning?" Kyle teased, as he sat on one of the spare chairs. "Wait, he got a cookie? What the hell?" Nick whined, with a pout. "Shut up Kyle." Adam groaned, a pout already adorned on his face. He looked up at me as I climbed next to him with both of our lattes in hand, passing his to him.

He smiled softly at me, pressing a kiss to my head. "Thanks for the cookie, Munchie." Adam grinned, as he opened it and began devouring it. I laughed, shaking my head. "So what did you guys do while I was gone?" I asked, snatching Adam's controller from in front of him and un-paused his game so I could play. "This. We ordered sushi because of the big baby next to you and then watched him play video games. He wouldn't let us play." Matt informed me, I rolled my eyes. "I wouldn't let you play because yous kept letting me die." Adam groaned, through a mouthful of his sugar cookie. "Chew with your mouth closed, nasty." Kyle laughed, as he sipped his drink, resulting in Adam flipping him off.

A couple of hours had passed, the Bucks were filming clips for an upcoming episode of "Being the Elite." Adam and I were sat together, leaning forward as we played one of his games. I let out a whine as he beat me once again. "Wow, Adds you really do suck at this game." Kyle laughed. "Better than you." I shot back, a smile on my face, as I shoved myself into Adam's side. "Can we play something else?" I pleaded, looking up at him, with puppy dog eyes and a huge pout on my lips. "Don't give me that look, Addison." Adam groaned, looking down at me; I let out another whine with a bat of my eyelashes. It was shortly followed by Adam huffing out, and getting up to change the game into something easier to play.

"Thank youu!" I cheered with a goofy grin as he climbed back into his spot, as I started up the game. "Aw, lover boy changing the game for his girl. Aww!" Matt cooed, Adam groaned tossing a giant pillow at him. Thankful, everyone was focused on annoying Adam and not my tomato looking face as I tried to remain focused on my game.  

I Walk The Line - Adam ColeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang