Chapter Six

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"So we're starting off the show tonight?" I asked Kyle from the floor. I was sitting in front of the mirror I had brought along with me so I could do my own make up; I had found that it somehow eased my nerves before a show. "Yeah, you've got about 20 more minutes and then we go out." Kyle informed me as he continued to stretch out. I nodded, winging out my eyeliner effortlessly for once. I let out a sigh, as I dug through one of my make up bags for a matte lipstick. "You know, you don't need that. Just throw on some chap stick, you still have to get dressed." Kyle whined and I rolled my eyes. I quickly changed into a pair of light wash ripped up high-waisted jeans, a cropped Kyle shirt, I had cut it up in the front so it was criss-crossed in the front making my boobs look bigger. I quickly pulled on my boots, standing up straight as I flipped my hair over my shoulder. "You really do wear my shirts better." Kyle smirked, and I rolled my eyes. "Let's go homie." I stated, linking my arm in his as we exited our dressing room and walked down to the gorilla.

"Good luck out there, Munchie!" I heard from behind, and I grinned. I turned on my heel, before launching myself at Adam. Due to Kyle and I having to tape different things I hadn't seen Adam in a few days, Adam quickly caught me in his arms. Wrapping myself around him as he held me to him tightly, "I missed you asshole." I whispered into the crook of his neck. "Missed you more, Munchie." He cooed back. After a few minutes, there was a loud throat clearing, "Are we just chopped liver now?" Nick questioned, hands on his hips and the most ridiculously sassy look on his, Matt mirroring him. I rolled my eyes, as I slid down from Adam's waist, quickly hugging the brothers. "Feel better now?" I asked, with a smirk as I elbowed both of them in their sides. "I missed yous too." I smiled, kissing their cheeks as I waved at them before I jogged back over to Kyle. "Oh so nice of you to remember to come back." Kyle muttered with an eye roll. I smiled sarcastically at him, as he tucked me back under his arm. Things had been getting rocky between Kyle and I since the we had breakfast the day we went hiking.

Kyle's music hit, and I put on a smile leaning in even more to Kyle. Gotta make this look good, Addy; you got this. I told myself over and over again, it was starting to become a daily mantra every time I had to do anything with Kyle. Today he had a match against Dalton Castle, I wasn't really concerned with The Boys' antics; as long as I didn't bother them hopefully they wouldn't bother me. Kyle and I made our way around the ring before I let him go, so he could do his own thing on the turnbuckle; I slid inside the ring and stood next to him glancing up at him with fake wonderment in my eyes. He quickly climbed down, placing his arm back around my waist as he pulled me in for a kiss. Afterwards, I bent down and slid back out of the ring before Kyle passed me his title.

The bell rang shortly after, the two men circled each other two or three times before locking up. Kyle quickly went on the offensive, backing Dalton into the corner, and then ramming his shoulder into him harshly. The match went back and forth for awhile; Dalton had just done the bangarang and went in for the pin on Kyle. I jumped up on the apron, realizing the bangarang wasn't scripted; distracting the ref in the process along with infuriating Dalton's boys as they ran to my side and fanned me off the apron. I smacked the side of my face and both of my forearms, as I fell to the floor. Kyle rolled over just in time to see me crash to the floor, while shock kicked in for him Dalton went in for the pin, 1!...2!...3!... "And your winner, Dalton Castle!" The announcer yelled and the crowd erupted in cheers, I slowly sat up clutching the side of my face, I looked up to see Kyle sitting in the middle of the ring, breathing heavy and sweaty. I slowly got him still clutching my jaw as I grabbed his title and slid it in the ring towards him as I rolled in and stumbled towards him and reaching my free hand down to him, so I could at least attempt to help him. Kyle huffed and stood up pulling me into his chest as Dalton and his boys rushed into the back before Kyle could attack them. I held onto the side of my face as we made our way into the back.

I Walk The Line - Adam ColeWhere stories live. Discover now