ab aeterno 11:37AM

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fiery skies envelope me in eternal warmth akin to mighty mars. I attain the power to love and the courage to lose with my blood of wine and honey! for the Roses, I sing! I sing I sing I sing. no malevolence stains my tongue no sickly words burn my throat. I am made of pure majesty. o, how I yearn for sweet Demeter to hear my sweet symphony and spread it like a glorious epidemic inside the nectar of the flowering buds - o, my heart trembles at the thought of omnipresence! only then will a lover never pass through the folds of space and slip through the titanium fist of Father Time. and so, eros may callously ignore my calls once my transformation begins to unfold before his crystalline eyes.

it is, indeed, a time of transition. the flood is coming. She will wash the yearning away, the infinite infatuation better recognized as the plague upon my mind, body, and soul. though, She can not rid me of the love and gentility in my frail yet hardened heart. o, I understand the spirits in me descend upon us all like a great cascading waterfall hidden in the corners of the world, hidden like the turquoise in the perilous deserts of the Earth - I perceive their quiet, steady rhapsodies on the constant harmony within all Life and so I sing, now, not simply for the Roses, but for the unforgiving Life pulsating evermore in the veins of the universe.

and out of nothing, I create art from the ashes of my history's Chaos 

and I sprout wings of the majestic butterfly

and I see the rapture transpire in the minuscule pupils of mine when peering through the looking glass. 

I have become a curious anomaly in this world though my soul perseveres from the eternal, for my genesis evades the clutches of Time itself.


a/n: I was listening to Joni Mitchell when I wrote this so that's why I briefly mentioned butterflies  and also I hope you are well nourished - u deserve So Much Love 

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