Chapter 1

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What is thiiiiiiis?????? Well I've had a little Lo & little Mani idea in mind for a while but I knew I wouldn't be able to/want to make it more than like four chapters at most (edit: lol) so I wasn't gonna write it. But I loooooove the two of them and since it's my birthday (technically since it's 11:59 my time) I figure I'd treat myself and write it.

So this is little Lauren and Little Normani and Mama&Mommy Dinally.

Not famous AU (as usual)


Normani slammed the door shut behind her as she entered her apartment on Friday night. She didn't care if the other people she shared the apartment with heard.

She was pissed. Beyond pissed. A bull in a room painted red surrounded by stop signs couldn't compare to how angry she felt right now. She kicked her shoes off, not caring where they landed and stormed toward the kitchen. There has to be chocolate somewhere in this whole stupid fucking apartment.

She was riffling through the stash of candy she kept in the back cupboard when Ally walked into the room behind her.

"Hey, is something wrong?" the shorter woman asked.

"No, why would something be wrong?" she snapped. Just as the words left her mouth, she overshot the distance between her hand and a bottle of barbecue sauce too close to the edge and the plastic bottle came toppling down and collided with her face. She hissed and turned away from the food, "Fucking fuck!"

"Are you okay?" Ally asked as she walked up and took Normani's face in her hands. Normani was about to tell her off because shes fine, when Ally poked at the skin around her eye, making her wince. Ally turned and walked to the freezer, probably for an ice pack Normani knew she didn't need, and she had to stop herself from rolling her eyes.

Instead she closed them and took a breath. She needs to calm down.

"Another one of my dancers quit," Normani blurted out. She opened her eyes and watched as Ally wrapped a hippo shaped ice pack in a paper towel. Normani wanted to scowl at the childishness of it. She knew thinking about the owner of the thing would make her more upset so she pointedly shifted her eyes upward at the shorter woman's face.

"Again?" Ally asked as she came back to stand in front of Normani. Normani nodded as Ally gently placed the ice pack to her face. She grabbed the pack and held it, more for Ally's sake than her own and Ally stepped back, "What happened?"

"More stupid bullshit," she said, with an irritated shrug. "Apparently, Beca and Chloe have been dating behind everyone's back and Jessie got mad for reasons that are beyond me and started a fight with Chloe and she sent his ass to the hospital. Now he's quitting."

Ally gasped, uttering a quiet, "Oh my gosh." Normani nodded.

"On top of the fact that Troye's already leaving because him and Tyler don't get along anymore. We have a competition and they're all acting like this is high school," Normani said. She could feel a headache forming and reminded herself to breathe so her temper wouldn't make it worse.

Ally watched her carefully, a look of sympathy on her face, before it shifted to something else.

"You know what you need?" Ally asked. Normani raised the eyebrow not currently freezing in question. Ally moved to a different cupboard and pulled out a bottle of wine.

Not just any wine. The best fucking wine.

Ally's at-the-time boyfriend bought the same kind as a three month anniversary present, years ago, that Ally had been too busy thanking him for to try. When he broke up with her a week later they'd busted that bad boy open and discovered the best thing to ever happen to girls night. Just looking at the bottle had Normani's temper cooling.

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